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Messages - steve

Work Related / NLRB
May 30, 2013, 04:31:34 AM
Now that the NLRB ruled our direction we should get back all our money with no bull attached
Now that the union has something to fight with we should be in good shape
If we hear from our union other than what we should , then it's time to get a class action suit
I do not have a job after June 27 and if our union lets this crap go any further
Then the company is going to file bankrupt and go under a different name and
I am out all my money that they owe me. If the union continues in this direction
Then there is no other choice but to fight with our own lawyers
We pay our dues and I see many new faces on the runs and nothing is done to stop it
Lets see what happens .
Work Related / Re: EPP, Legal!
April 13, 2013, 04:25:30 PM
Two things should be done here, one is that all of the drivers and matrons should hire a very good lawyer and take out a class action suit against the mayor ,the DOE and the city for lying.
Number  two    everyone in here send  the site of  where it shows that MV transportation  purchased
Over 500 runs of special Ed work , where MV transportations lawyer and bloomberge worked together
In the past .now that's sounds like conflict of interest. and send it to Juan Gonzales of the daily news
Since he broke the the news about bloombergs lie , the old board of Ed would never let any company
Take so many runs but Bloomberg is running the show and since Wilcox is a puppet ,it's time for him to go . Back in 1979 the BOE said no one can take that many runs ,the name of the lawyer that does works for MV transportation and used to work for  Bloomberg is mathew daus , we have a news person that is fighting for us
Lets get up our asses and help him ,give him all the information we have so Bloomberg ,Wilcox can fall on their asses , fight and fight hard
1181 Matters / Medical benefits
February 24, 2013, 02:36:04 AM
If the issue with the new contracts without the EPP goes thru, which I hope it does not
What happens to our brothers and sisters that are on the master list in September
Like medical benefits ,pension .
Is there a time table or does it continue .
Does anybody know the outcome of the matrons and drivers that were let go.
1181 Matters / Re: reliant bus company
February 19, 2013, 01:10:12 PM
If you guys check the article about the law firm and the lawyer that represents MV/Reliant in rockland
You will see the link between Bloomberg and reliant
That lawyer used to work for Bloomberg and now works for reliant/ MV Transportation
I,ll bet you that reliant comes under a new name at the bids ,that's why he took the 500
Runs ,and the only way that he could get it was thru connections .
Check it out , it's clear that the same lawyer that MV has is the same lawyer that Bloomberg
Hired as taxi and limousine .
Looks like a link and if it is then this guy did this either because he has a stake in reliant or
He wanted to help his buddy at our expense.
Work Related / Re: NY Post
February 13, 2013, 04:11:39 AM
I sent a letter to the post stating that his premature statement like his life was just that
Premature, I wrote that he just told the other unions what we know about Bloomberg,
And that was that once he gets us ,he,s going after them , which I hope that it lights
A fire under the other unions ass to stand up with us  and fight ,because like the moron
In the post said with a smile , that after us it's their turn,and if any 854 drivers are reading this ,
I hope you understand that by doing your run while we are on strike is going to bite you in the ass.
If not in sept then in less then 2 years ,  and when it does   I.,  me.  Am going to cross your picket
Line with a smile yelling remember when you crossed my picket line , yelling I am 1181 and you needed to pay your bills so you crossed my line , so here I am crossing yours , and this is a promise from me to you.
Alright now I believe that the 4 companies that filed a suit against the city lonero ,pioneer,Hoyt,Atlantic express realized that by screwing us  they screwed them selfs,
So now they want to remove the EPP from the contract that has 2 years left ,the contract is sign sealed and delivered so should be no change but as for the unfairness of the bid to them, that I hope they win because if they do then the bids that were open today may be no good and the companies may have to wait 2 years and start the whole process again, and that means new mayor and chancellor , I,d like to see the idiot  mayor with that chicken shit chancellor eat that .
1181 Matters / reliant bus company
February 09, 2013, 11:51:11 PM
maybe  its me but when united bus company went bankrupt , reliant came in and took
over more runs then any company since i ve been working as a bus driver and thats
30 years . they spent a huge amount of money like they new something was comeing
down the road. if the companies are complaining so much about  the EPP in the contract
then why did reliant take so many runs unless they had somebody on top like someone in
the mayors administration .  reliant had to know something ,and  have a connection  to take so many runs.   something stinks with reliant and the mayor
i wish someone with the same power could investigate both the mayor and reliant to see
if there is conflict of interest there.  i hope that before i am out  of a job,  it is found out,
wilcott does not have the proper credentials to run the DOE
then why doesn't someone challenge that,     thanks          steve