Pioneer e-mail

Started by OMG, November 07, 2020, 12:44:43 AM

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Well let's make it a little more confusing. Let's just say that if you are out due to COVID-19 whether you have it or have to quarantine because you were ordered to or were in contact with a person who has COVID-19 and you DO get paid COVID-19 pay, will that pay be 100% or will it be 85% (like we got for the month of April)? If you recall during April our stubs said "Corona drivers."


I have spoken to a few people who have already been put out due to covid and they were paid in full but it was noted under Covid Pay.


The union expects to issue a notice soon advising members that the letters sent out by contractors regarding COVID-19 sick pay is incorrect.

Those who are officially told to quarantine WILL be paid, full pay.

I am patient with stupidity, but not with those who are proud of it.


The Union has put out a letter with regards to COVID-19 pay. It states that we get paid