In answer to the Salerno Slate Manifesto

Started by Andrewcappa, November 11, 2016, 01:40:14 AM

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After having a meeting with our former Shop Steward and some of our delegates about the Salerno slate manifesto I am forced to answer the ridiculous statements made.

As far as shady deals behind the backs of our members with the companies. WRONG  In  every negotiation there are our members  (Drivers and Attendants )  sitting at the table with the Executive Board  and the owners. There are no secrets in our contract negotiations. And all members have a voice in the outcome of any agreement put forward.

Just to inform all ,that our delegates ALREADY come to  their assigned yards every week sometimes more than once as per request for hearings.

Getting back AE monies are impossible, it was a bankruptcy ruled by the courts and NOT by 1181 .Also keep in mind the monies were dispersed by NATIONAL LABOR BOARD and DEPT OF ED. At no time did 1181 disperse any monies.

Another myth is there is no way that you can get rid of Eric Goldstein at the BOE. It’s NOT going to happen.

As far as real wage increases with the politicians help that is called Negotiations and EPP.
Concerning new hired drivers and escorts. We fought and received a $ 3.00 dollar per hour increase in wages. They went from $14.50 to $17.50 an hour per driver. And attendants went from $10.50 to $13.50 per hour. Each new hire is entitled to 5 sick days a year as per New York Sick Leave Law.. And a 1 percent increase every six months.

We are ALREADY in the process of reaching out to new perspective medical providers to get the best medical plan available for our members.

I would like to hear how they are going to set up 3 new head quarters in Brooklyn Queens and the Bronx. Where is the money coming from? And to reirratate they claim they will increase the pension, where is the money coming from without additional money contributed by the MEMBERS.

Our medical is NOT in danger. We are solvent and the reserve is 95 % met from a (.03 ) to a (3.24) as of two months ago. Your claim is that in two years the medical plan lost $ 16,492,498. Maybe so but the part you left out was due to the layoffs caused by bloomburg so  3,000 plus less members did not contribute to our medical fund any longer. So therefore no contribution equals loss of medical funds. Since you wish to quote numbers you should include all FACTS of the equation. This apparently is something that the Salerno Slate never does.

Eddie Kay has zero to do with our EPP .So there is nothing he can do for us. The new EPP language was written and presented by Michael Cordiello along with his political connections and the Lobbyists that were hired by 1181 to make this happen in Albany .And now sits on the desk of Andrew Cuomo waiting to be signed. ABSOULETY NO HELP FROM EDDIE KAY OR MEMBERS FOR CHANGE.

The talk of one union, one contract. For the past 12 years there could never be one union because of the Salerno slate and the MFC and now the Catalano slate pushing the wedge between us all. As far as one contract READ your contract. At the end of this contract we ALL become one contract.

With all due respect to the Salerno slate. This flyer is a joke and fabricated. The heading on your flyer claims honesty. WHERE is it?
