Diabetes Training Required for These Drivers!!

Started by Buzz, October 25, 2023, 10:31:48 PM

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I usually refrain from posting peoples' full names on here but at the request of Bob Hearn I am posting this list in case somebody didn't catch it in the 15 or 20 seconds tbat it appeared on a monitor today.

diabetes training.jpg

If you object to your name appearing here, please direct you complaint to Bob Hearn
BOB HEARN ... H-E-A-R-N first name BOB, assistant shop steward.

(Just breaking balls. Bob is concerned people will miss the message and not show up.)
I am patient with stupidity, but not with those who are proud of it.


To me, this is something the union should have taken to court. We should not be responsible for this! We are not nurses or paramedics. What protection do we have as far as our personal liability in the event something happens ... if any? With or without training, if there's a medical emergency on my bus I'm calling 911. Period.

This pretty much sums up my opinion ...

I am patient with stupidity, but not with those who are proud of it.