Classroom Won't Quarantine for 1 Positive

Started by Buzz, September 22, 2021, 01:53:49 AM

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Is this supposed to make parents feel safer? I just don't get it!

"Unvaccinated students who are masked and follow the social distancing guidelines of three feet will no longer have to quarantine if they are a close contact of a positive student ..."
I am patient with stupidity, but not with those who are proud of it.

Gary 209

Fact! IS 75 had a child with the virus during the first week of school (mon-wed). Took the school bus with approximately 50 other students (and of course the driver) on those days. Last Friday 6 children in contact with that child had a slight fever. They were either quarantined or picked up by their parents. The original infected child went to all his 7 different classrooms throughout those days. Which he was in contacted with many many other students in all his classrooms. On last Friday the am and pm drivers had at least several infected children on their bus (Fact). On Sunday I made several calls and found out who those drivers where and contacted them and told them of the situation. I also went to other drivers at IS 75 Monday, who also had some of those children on their bus. Nobody Notified the Drivers that infected children were on their buses last week. I believe the chain is the school notifies the BOE and the BOE then notifies the company. Does the company notify the driver???

Fact: A driver went to all his stops yesterday and had only 1 child. He told the AP or Principal that he had only 1 child. The AP told the driver that the whole school bus was quarantined and that the parents where notified on Sunday night. Apparently this parent didn't get the message.

Fact: The guard at IS 24 said today they have several possible children infected.

Rumor: IS 34 had several infected children.

How many Blue Dots do we have to have on that link above before the BOE realize they need to protect children better instead of forcing children to take the chance of being infected?

Let's keep each other advise of what's happening at our schools. Apparently the BOE isn't going to tell us!

Be Careful, Be Safe!

Gary 106


Not a "rumor" that IS 34 has infected kids. I KNOW at least one entire bus load of kids is presently quarantined.

But, I found out the guideline for drivers has also changed. Merely possibly being in contact with an infected child is not enough for the driver to quarantine and nobody will contact you to advise you thereof.  You must actually test positive before you will be told to quarantine.

It's a joke that kids are supposedly kept 3 feet apart in school (impossible) but are all over each other on the bus.

Nobody cares about drivers ... or for the kids for that matter.
I am patient with stupidity, but not with those who are proud of it.


Also, there will be a lot fewer blue dots under the mayor's new guideline for classrooms. Not because there are fewer cases but because they'll just make believe they don't exist.

Something tells me they're going to keep pretending that there's not a problem until it eventually gets so bad that they shut the entire system down. Hope I'm wrong.

I am patient with stupidity, but not with those who are proud of it.


We'll it looks official now that ALL school personnel will have to get vaccinated by October 4th. I wonder if that will include school bus drivers & matrons and either way when will we be officially notified.


Quote from: PROUD MEMBER on September 28, 2021, 10:43:17 AM
We'll it looks official now that ALL school personnel will have to get vaccinated by October 4th. I wonder if that will include school bus drivers & matrons and either way when will we be officially notified.

I mean if they want to continue to add to an already bus driver shortage then go ahead. Look what's happening with nurses and teachers. Come Friday over 28,000 nurses and teachers will lose their jobs in which inexperienced people will be taking over their jobs. They are already having a hard time getting drivers to come in for this job which requires a certain skill and ton of responsibilities. I fear that if they do force it on drivers a lot of drivers will walk. Pelosi and Biden are on record that the federal government can't force you to get the shot. What changed? More control, more money in their pockets? They aren't following science because the science shows that people with the jab are spreading the virus too. People should not be threatened with their livelihood to get a vaccine or not. If people refuse to get it then they should just go for a weekly test it's that simple. I'll end it with one word..... ANTIBODIES!!


Quote from: PROUD MEMBER on September 28, 2021, 10:43:17 AM
We'll it looks official now that ALL school personnel will have to get vaccinated by October 4th. I wonder if that will include school bus drivers & matrons and either way when will we be officially notified.

As of right now it does NOT include us and testing is again scheduled for this Friday.

(But, just like our runs, everything's subject to change  ;D)
I am patient with stupidity, but not with those who are proud of it.