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Messages - Buster

1union I don't need to grow balls.I got a hairy pair right between my legs.Unlike you who has to follow big john around while he snoops and stirs the shit pot.

Don't come after my posts and try to be a *tuff*(tough) guy.It won't work.

Oh and on a kinder note. Use spell check it does wonders and makes you sound intelligent.

Oh here we go another nation heard from. Everyone has an opinion.And if you feel John E is so great,good for you.That doesn't mean EVERYBODY has to like him. We all have a choice who to vote for and since so many feel the Cordiello slate is so bad how is it you still have a job?And if you really want to do research at what your choices are. Look at the flyer we all got in the mail and look at what the apposing side has.You have two on the entire slate that have *limited* knowledge of union business.The rest are just attendants and drivers.How will they defend us against more scumbags like bloomie??
As I have heard our Shop Steward many times in the past we have to go with the best that is out there.It doesn't matter if you like them or not. If your worry about your future than it seems that's the choice to make. But Hey you could vote anyway you want. Just like I can.
We still live in AMERICA!
Listen John I don't give 2 shits that you were the first to put your name here. I could care less. So get off the freaking podium.
And please stop quoting what you call facts. FACT is Cordiello  didn't do what you CLAIM he did for reasons you want to say he ruined us. He had no choice but to do what was done. SIMPLE fact here is the jerk off mayor gave him no CHOICE!! You do know what a choice is? That mayor was lower than scum for putting our backs up against the wall. You can't be that jaded to say it was all Cordiello's fault? And btw that poster with Salernos Picture with the bull horn is an old picture and it wasn't for the EPP.!!!!! It was a rally for Members for Change and if you look close enough you'll see Eddy Kay bending down to get out of way!!!!!!. So if your boy was so righteous then what's up with all the lies?????? Did you enjoy taking your boy to breakfast this morning to drum up more lies?????
And for your FYI I have a choice to use my name or not, and if you think I am in fear of you. You are so wrong. The thing is I know if I get in your face I would ruin your knock out image Johnny knockout.
Oh yea one other thing....don't compare now to 20 years ago..20 years ago you also had darker hair and was 50 pounds thinner. Not everything stays the same...............

Eddie Gig is retiring ..not running for the hills.......He wants to enjoy his family....Is that not allowed???? Is there a law he is breaking John?????????
Hey John..What do you give a shit about our welfare and health? You're a big time retired cop you got welfare and health from the city of New York. And we all know about you going to other drivers and talking about your days of Mr. Delegate of the policeman's association. Stop the crying and trying to change something you know nothing about. Cordiello did not take away our EPP. The fuking last mayor did. You can't blame everything on Cordiello. And if you think the Salerno slate is better you are so wrong. I agree with everyone who thinks Salerno is wrong for us. He can't do what Cordiello can and has. And I don't HAVE to HIDE from anyone. I see you every day. And I'm tired of hearing you rant and rave like a baby not getting your way. If you are so unhappy here and with this union, you have a choice. Get the hell out. You're a loser and always have been.

Work Related / Re: Here we go again
May 20, 2014, 03:54:24 PM
I hate to say this but it dont matter about your opinion when it comes to Owen.Cuz he dont care who you are.And just cuz you didnt fall  prey to him  .Dont be surprised when you do.You wont be saying such nice things about him then.As far as neil,well the office kisses his ass good,he likes that makes him feel big.
Work Related / Re: Here we go again
May 20, 2014, 02:36:15 AM
Oh man i agree.This guy is a loser how he treats people.Just when we think he is being kind.He makes that exorcism act and goes after people.He is out for revenge to anyone that ever did or said anything to him.He wants to screw everyone.And I can't understand why the owner lets him to do it.He makes working there a hell on earth.The owner finally comes back out to the drivers room and tell us he wants peace and harmony.But then allows this nutjob to abuse us drivers.