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Topics - mirrorcheck

Work Related / L/R sheet
February 02, 2011, 12:15:45 AM
I went over my L/R sheet today...juuust in case !   :rolleyes:
News and Views / Some Key US Govt Stats
February 01, 2011, 01:13:04 AM

Got this message in an email today:
A recent "Investor's Business Daily" article provided very interesting statistics from a survey by the United Nations International Health

Percentage of men and women who survived a cancer five years after diagnosis:
U.S. 65%
England 46%
Canada 42%

Percentage of patients diagnosed with diabetes who received treatment within six months:
U.S. 93%
England 15%
Canada 43%

Percentage of seniors needing hip replacement who received it within six months:
U.S. 90%
England 15%
Canada 43%

Percentage referred to a medical specialist who see one within one month:
U.S. 77%
England 40%
Canada 43%

Number of MRI scanners (a prime diagnostic tool) per million people:
U.S. 71
England 14
Canada 18

Percentage of seniors (65+), with low income, who say they are in "excellent
U.S. 12%
England 2%
Canada 6%

Check this last set of statistics!!

The percentage of each past president's cabinet who had worked in the private business sector prior to their appointment to the cabinet. You know
what the private business sector is a real-life business, not a government job. Here are the percentages.

T. Roosevelt..........38%
Wilson .................52%
Coolidge.............. 48%
Hoover .................42%
F. Roosevelt.........50%
GH Bush............... 51%
Clinton .................39%
GW Bush................55%

And the winner is:

Obama............... 8%

This helps to explain the problems of this administration: only 8% of them have ever worked in private business!

That's right! Only eight percent---the least, by far, of the last 19 presidents! And these people are trying to tell our big corporations how to
run their business? They know what's best for GM, Chrysler, Wall Street, and you and me?

How can the president of a major nation and society, the one with the most successful economic system in world history, stand and talk about business
when he's never worked for one? Or about jobs when he has never really had one? And when it's the same for 92% of his senior staff and closest
advisers? They've spent most of their time in academia, government and/or non-profit jobs or as "community organizers." They should have been in an
employment line.
News and Views / Watch our Garden Growers!
January 29, 2011, 09:22:17 PM

This is a great read on what some want for you and what you grow on your own:

"[S 510] would preclude the public's right to grow, own, trade, transport, share, feed and eat each and every food that nature makes. It will become the most offensive authority against the cultivation, trade and consumption of food and agricultural products of one's choice. It will be unconstitutional and contrary to natural law or, if you like, the will of God." It is similar to what India faced with imposition of the salt tax during British rule, only S 510 extends control over all food in the US, violating the fundamental human right to food." ~ Dr. Shiv Chopra, Canada Health whistle blower.

"Section 3 which is the definitions portion of the bill-read in it's entirety. section 103, 206 and 207- read in it's entirety.
Legally binds state agriculture depts to enforcing federal guidelines effectively taking away the states power to do anything other than being food police for the federal dept.

Effectively criminalizes organic farming but doesn't actually use the word organic.
Effects anyone growing food even if they are not selling it but consuming it.
Effects anyone producing meat of any kind including wild game.

Legislation is so broad based that every aspect of growing or producing food can be made illegal. There are no specifics which is bizarre considering how long the legislation is.
Section 103 is almost entirely about the administrative aspect of the legislation. It will allow the appointing of officials from the factory farming corporations and lobbyists and classify them as experts and allow them to determine and interpret the legislation. Who do you think they are going to side with? [italics mine]
Section 206 defines what will be considered a food production facility and what will be enforced up all food production facilities. The wording is so broad based that a backyard gardener could be fined and more.
Section 207 requires that the state's agriculture dept act as the food police and enforce the federal requirements. This takes away the states power and is in violation of the 10th amendment."

S. 510 the Food Safety Modernization Act of 2010, may be the most dangerous bill in the history of the US. Obama and the lame duck session are a gift that keeps on Taking..
News and Views / Ore-Gone!
January 26, 2011, 11:37:48 PM
Oregon has come up with a Bill they are trying to pass that would ban using an Ipod or cell phone.......while walking or jogging when crossing a street! I hope Bloomy doesnt hear that one....question is,when does this madness stop?
News and Views / God Bless Kentucky!
January 26, 2011, 12:00:18 AM
Word out of the Blue Grass state is that they passed a law that anyone applying for Welfare needs to pass a drug test.Nothing for nothing but if you did that in NY combined with not being a sanctuary city we could have a surplus and citizens would get back thousands a year!! ;D
News and Views / $$ OIL $$
January 25, 2011, 12:25:02 AM
I want people to look back before crude oil went $147 a barrel. Tell me what the price was at the pumps for gas and diesel. Now look at the price at the pumps and see if it correlates with the price of crude today. Somebody is playing a game and I am not pointing fingers at the oil companies. But I am pointing my fingers at those damn speculators.
Prime Minister Julia Gillard - Australia

Muslims who want to live under Islamic Sharia law were told on Wednesday to get out of Australia , as the government targeted radicals in a bid to head off potential terror attacks..

Separately, Gillard angered some Australian Muslims on Wednesday by saying she supported spy agencies monitoring the nation's mosques.


Take It Or Leave It. I am tired of this nation worrying about whether we are offending some individual or their culture. Since the terrorist attacks on Bali , we have experienced a surge in patriotism by the majority of Australians. '

'This culture has been developed over two centuries of struggles, trials and victories by millions of men and women who have sought freedom'

'We speak mainly ENGLISH, not Spanish, Lebanese, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, or any other language. Therefore, if you wish to become part of our society . Learn the language!'

'Most Australians believe in God. This is not some Christian, right wing, political push, but a fact, because Christian men and women, on Christian principles, founded this nation, and this is clearly docum ented It is certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of our schools. If God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world as your new home, because God is part of our culture.'

'We will accept your beliefs, and will not question why All we ask is that you accept ours, and live in harmony and peaceful enjoyment with us.'

'This is OUR COUNTRY, OUR LAND, and OUR LIFESTYLE, and we will allow you every opportunity to enjoy all this. But once you are done complaining, whining, and griping about Our Flag, Our Pledge, Our Christian beliefs, or Our Way of Life, I highly encourage you take advantage of one other great Australian freedom, 'THE RIGHT TO LEAVE'.' 'If you aren't happy here then LEAVE. We didn't force you to come here. You asked to be here. So accept the country YOU accepted.'

Maybe if we circulate this amongst ourselves in Canada & USA , WE will find the courage to start speaking and voicing the same truths.
News and Views / It does make you wonder....
January 23, 2011, 04:00:34 AM
In December some character named Neil Abercrombie is sworn in as Governor of Hawaii. Now I'm sure that Hawaii, like most other states, has a few problems that need to be addressed. But Governor Abercrombie seemed to think that the issue of Barack Obama's birth certificate was near the top ... not because he had any doubts about whether or not Obama was actually born in Hawaii ... but because he wanted to take that birth certificate and essentially shove it down the throats of those pesky birthers out there.

Birthers? OK .. here's the deal. These are people who say that Obama isn't a natural-born citizen of the United States and is thus serving as President illegally. They say he was either born in Kenya or Indonesia. They say that the certificate of live birth that has been shown as proof of Obama's citizenship is actually proof of nothing more than the fact that someone brought the infant Obama to a hospital in Hawaii claiming that he had been born at home, and the hospital issued a certificate essentially saying "yup ... it's a baby all right, and here it is in our hospital in Hawaii!" The claim is that the certificate of live birth only proves that Obama was born, not where he was born.

OK ... so here we have Governor Abercromcie. He's on the spot because he volunteered to " what I can do" to publicly verify that records show Obama was born in Hawaii and is a citizen of the United States. He wanted to put this thing to rest so that it wouldn't be an issue in 2012.

So ... how's that going for the governor? The Honolulu Star Advertiser asked Abercrombie "You stirred up quite a controversy with your comments regarding birthers and your plan to release more information regarding President Barack Obama's birth certificate. How is that coming?" The only answer the media gets from Abercrombie is that an investigation has "unearthed papers" proving Obama is a citizen. Those papers haven't been produced. He says "it's written in the archives, written down." But nothing produced.

The London Daily Mail has now weighed in, saying that "It became apparent that what had been discovered was an unspecified listing or notation of Obama's birth that someone had made in the state archives and not a birth certificate." The Daily Mail says that Abercrombie suggested that a long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate may not, in fact, exist.

Why bring this up?My position is that we should forget this birther stuff and just concentrate on defeating this dangerous man in 2012 and continuing to undo the damage he has done in his ongoing efforts to "radically transform" our Republic. But the Hawaii governor stepped up to say he was going to put the controversy to rest. It's time to perform. If he doesn't .... Then the controversy grows.
News and Views / Committee Nation
January 23, 2011, 03:58:56 AM
We are becoming a nation of committees. From the smallest of issues to the most pressing, everything nowadays has to have some sort of committee before anything can get done .. if it ever does. From Fox News ..

The federal government hosts a network of 1,000 advisory panels that consisted of more than 74,000 members last year, and they are becoming increasingly expensive -- statistics kept by the federal government show the cost of running these committees has nearly doubled over the past decade.

Though the staggering number of committees has remained fairly constant during that time, the bill they rack up every year has grown rapidly, from $215 million in fiscal year 2000 to $386 million last fiscal year. The collective budget is projected to top $400 million for the 2011 budget year.

If Congress is serious about tackling spending, maybe they could also take a look at their own process of creating committees and panels. The numbers may be small in comparison, but $386 million is equivalent to the entire tax burden of 38,600 American families. To make matters worse, "A 2010 report showed just 8 percent of committee recommendations had been or will be fully implemented."

Your government at work
News and Views / Journalists Summoned
January 17, 2011, 07:26:45 PM

     I guess this is the start of the 2012 Campaign for Obama...Brainstorming session on what to talk and promote!
News and Views / What a story
January 11, 2011, 01:44:10 AM
A friend sent this to me,dont know if he was kidding or not but seemed interesting:

      Well here we go last week John Wheeler the man who got the Vietnam memorial and set up the US Af cyber security division was found dead in a dumpster no FBI  and very little attention was given. Just today two more officials with the government were found in DC in a burning car, but all they can focus on is the so called poison politics from Palin and the Tea Party , the full measure of the FBI and Homeland Security are put to this and  little nut ball(AZ Shooter) but nothing for these people what does that say?
                                                           Sure would be something if not real a story for Balducci and his Camel Club.
News and Views / Pelosi Loses Power
January 08, 2011, 01:46:22 AM

          Copy and Paste,Hillarious!!!
Work Related / Clean Yard
January 03, 2011, 04:25:13 PM
Taking into consideration the large amount of snow we had the Yard at Pioneer was pretty clean for the most part!