
Started by hognol, March 24, 2013, 04:00:13 PM

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I used to come to work with a smile on my face.  I can honestly say I liked my job alot and took pride when I was behind the wheel.  Now, my morale is completely shot down and I cringe when my alarm goes off.  I try very hard to keep my good nature in front of the kids I transport daily, I feel they deserve that. 

The last letter we got from Neil contradicts almost every letter he wrote while we were on strike.  I feel he completely betrayed his employees.




Hognol....I feel the same way.....but if we let the mayor...opt....the contractors stress us what do we get ? Ulcers...high blood pressure....maybe death...I know its easier said then done but stress can cause a lot. Redistribute the stress back onto the deserved parties. Let them woery that they cant eat filet mignon and sip johnny walker blue every night.  :bomb:
Years of inaction and corruption has paved the way for the Devil to ride in and take what he pleases.




We all are very down. I feel for the employees who suffered during Sandy.  Have faith because as my deceased mother used to say....and I honestly believe this....Karma is a bitch.  It may take awhile but just watch and believe.  :bomb: