A Conscious Vote

Started by Ernie, May 23, 2014, 03:20:58 AM

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To all my Pioneer Brothers and Sisters ,

        I know you all have followed me and stood beside me throughout the strike. We all walked in the cold and freezing weather. I watched as all my brothers and sisters began to unite and started acting like the union of the past. *ONE UNION ONE VOICE*.  As you all know I have fought for all the members of 1181 and especially the members of Staten Island Pioneer which is my home yard. I have fought hard and diligently to bring the best information back to all. To ensure all were well informed of the goings on throughout the strike.
        At this time it is important to try and regain some of what we lost in the past. We are on a great road to recovery. It took time but that was to no fault of one particular person except Bloomberg. Our union officials have been and still fight daily with city and government officials. And finally gaining some ground with political parties backing Micheal Cordiello.
        I urge everyone to think hard and vote consciously, and try to bury the anger for past mistakes. I say this with all due respect to both Slates campaigning .Do not Allow anger for past mistakes guide you to the wrong decision on who you should vote for.
        It is in my best opinion to follow the most experienced for the job. I believe to ensure MY future and longevity in this industry I vote Cordiello all the way. YOU must vote for what you believe in.

Respectfully Your Shop Steward


Your points are well-taken, Ern. There are people who are still angry about the strike and the events that followed. I am not denying that some of the complaints are understandable and justifiable. But this election is NOT a referendum on the strike or ensuing events. The thing that set all this in motion was Bloomberg taking the EPP out of contracts. The ONLY thing that will reverse the damage is having it restored.

I would rather trust my future to the people who have worked for years for the EPP and are ever so close to having it become a reality, than to a man who has said it is "not the solution," and has not been involved in getting it reinstated. The election is not about whether you "like" Michael or other incumbents or the way everything relating to the strike was handled. We have to vote with our brains, not our emotions. The Cordiello slate is still our best option for getting back the EPP, thereby leveling the playing field, getting members back to work, and not only getting back what was lost, but in time, advancing from there.
I am patient with stupidity, but not with those who are proud of it.


After I have literally analyzed each candidate, in comparison to each other, I have made my decision.  I have not been influenced by anybody.  I have tried to weigh the pros and cons of various aspects of this election and our future.  For those of you on the fence do what I have done and make your own decision based upon who you believe would be best for your future.  I am voting the entire Cordiello slate.  No looking back.