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Messages - Just_Right

I totally agree Buzz..

Let's face facts here..I along with MANY drivers and attendants feel the contract is right where it's suppose to be ..the end results for the new hires are simple..when this contract is over there will be more negotiations as far as new hires.So stop bellyaching.

If someone is going to hate the union so much then get out! You don't like it leave.OR..make it better for all. But not with lies and hate filled words.
Lead by becoming EDUACTED in contracts and learn how to negotiate with Stubborn Greedy Owners.

I find it funny how some people come from city jobs and try to turn our Union into their way of doing things. When let's face it..if the city job was so great..then why didn't you stay there and finish till you retire.And for the ones that did..good for you.
But don't bad mouth what our Union does for the good of ALL.

Oh and btw John .I met a friend at the General Membership meeting and was told that YOU said you were a former Shop Steward of Pioneer Staten Island.WHEN did that happen??? as long as I been here it didn't. Why you lie? and make up stories.All of Pioneer know you were never Shop Steward.
And you claim to be a delegate of the police dept...can you offer truth  of that?  I heard from a close friend of yours that your disability from Police Dept for the short time you were there that you were delivering mail for the Police dept and fell out of the car!.
And then I heard that  since you were a former Shop Steward at Pioneer SI that you were running for Office in this election according to drivers at Pioneer.
Can we get any proof of this. OH and can you discredit the rumor that you were fired for stealing from your bartenders job from the bowling alley?
And there is always the rumor that your pension is at risk and you are leaving in June. So why even stir all this shit? And hating the Union?

OH I almost there was a conversation in the drivers room about the pension..

It is in the GREEN  89 percent PLUS!!!!!..

another lie spoken from people who want to take the Union down ...

the new contract reads as follows:

the new hires will recieve medical after the first year and the family recieves medical 3 years  after that.
Plus 6 paid holidays ...

WHERE does that say Michael is not concerned about new hires??

oh and please pass this on to the other 6 people that sat at your table back in 2013.
I know the Tresurer's Last name I didn't think it was neccessary to put it.However I will say this..Michael does not have a problem with the truth.His numbers were right along with everyone else's. But there are lots of people who have a problem with the truth...
So in truth ..You missed a good meeting.

But family comes first no matter what.

Oh and's spelled Calixte....
Oh I'm sorry John..I didn't know you would answer so quick since there was a general membership meeting tonight.Which by the way YOU were not there.

And your polling does not make your numbers right.I spoke to Michael and asked this question.
And I spoke to John the Treasurer  and both confimed that your numbers are absolutely incorrect.

So once again your numbers and comments are not only eggaxareted and completely  WRONG.
Along with your 60,000 dollar figure is incorrect. So not sure where your getting your info from but maybe you should re-check your figures.
 John ...Where do you get your numbers from???

Work Related / Re: Contract
January 17, 2019, 03:46:39 AM
Wait a minute Mr.OPT OUT..

I for one care deeply about losing the medical. It is extremely important to me and my family and many other drivers and attendants as well. If the work needs to be done from office than do it!

I bet a lot of others agree. If the work is taken away for not getting done and goes to other companies what would happen to the drivers and attendants?. Do the OPT OUTS care or give a shit.??
If we lose medical the only thing they lose is $3,000.00 dollars a year  from Neil. But they STILL have medical and the Big Opt Out guy has his medical from police dept.

So people keep doing the work ,lots of people need their jobs.
Work Related / Re: Contract
October 20, 2018, 05:37:58 PM

Union was at yard yesterday speaking and answering questions

Where were YOU!!!!!

seems all of the crickets were sleeping or hiding.
Work Related / Re: Strike vote overwhelmingly passed
October 11, 2018, 10:29:44 PM
I was talking to a few guys around the yard about the strike vote and we all agreed it needs to be done. However. We overheard a few of mechanics talking bad about the union. I got to say it pisses me off that the ones who crossed our picket line back in 2013 have the balls to speak bad about the same union as the rest of us. That mohawk guy is rude and there are a few others talking shit as well. It was bad judgement for him and the hand full of other mechanics to cross the picket line in 2013 causing them to be apart from our contract. I am sure the Union has been there for them in their time working here. It would be nice to know that our mechanics were in solidarity with all the rest of the citywide members of 1181.
So, my words to them. Stop being scumbags. That is what a person is who crosses a picket line against co-workers.
1181 Matters / Re: Strike Vote
October 10, 2018, 08:23:24 PM
The No votes are a disgrace to every memeber of 1181
We need to be united not divided. It is important to let the Company people know we count.We are decent and caring human beings who work hard for our money.We don't have million dollar contracts and money pouring out of our asses.

This morning when our Past Shop Steward now our Union Delegate  was here he should have gotten every one of the members of Pioneer behind him with a resounding YES vote.He has been and probably will  always be there for everyone of us.
I am sure we all needed his voice before and will again so in turn  we should do for him the way he has done for us.

For the people who voted *NO* you should realize you are only hurting your co-workers not the Company.Neil could give two shits that you live from paycheck to paycheck.Nor does he care that you have family depending on your salary. He lives in luxury while we the drivers,attendants and mechanics do our job right and make him rich with his contracts with the city.

So,Show your SUPPORT for Your Union.Do not make this a personal thing against the Union. Back the man that has had OUR backs for over 20 years.
Show him the respect he deserves.
Work Related / News Worthy
January 03, 2018, 04:50:00 AM
Talk about getting thrown under the bus  :crazy:
Watch the video!
Work Related / Re: Pay Check
February 25, 2017, 05:56:28 PM
This is in answer to the four people who wanted to know why and some who  love to continue to trash the union... (This is on Pioneer Facebook) In my opinion some people need to shut the fuck up about this check.Some HAD to work this week and Andrew made the decision to go this way to compensate for some of what we lost.This was an *in-house* issue NOT a union issue.

Andrew Cappa

Hi everyone, I don't get on this sight much but I really don't believe what I'm hearing. It's amazing that someone would bitch about getting more money. It's unbelievable, all I can say is I'm the one that agreed to it, and since it's all over the internet I'm going to have to answer for it, but you can bet that this deal will probably never happen again, and you can BLAME your fellow workers. I tried to do something good for those who had to work this week, but there is always someone that isn't happy, someone who is selfish, self centered, and down right stupid, but that's the way it is. Next time you will all have your checks on time. Thank You, Andrew

This is not a debate I am just passing along the information so don't bother trying to debate this with me.
Have a good weekend.
1181 Matters / Re: Union Meeting Thursday 12/22
December 21, 2016, 02:04:56 AM
you should ask those questions to your shop steward he could guide you better
1181 Matters / Re: Union Meeting Thursday 12/22
December 20, 2016, 10:08:34 PM
the Cordiello slate never promised an increase in pension,that would be the Clinton losers that said that.But it doesn't mean the Cordiello slate won't try and get us an increase.We have to keep in mind that to increase our pension we have to put more in to it.That's what I was told.

and the people coming in now are paying the pension and welfare so yay for us.

Hate when people post the wrong shit and accept lies as truth.
Work Related / Re: Unofficial: Cordiello Slate Wins Big
December 14, 2016, 10:07:18 PM
I think it's best we end this here you and I have a difference of opinions.

Have a good night