Columbia Students Mock Purple Heart Recipient

Started by Buzz, February 23, 2011, 02:51:18 AM

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Former staff sergeant speaking at liberal puppy-mill Columbia University is laughed at by some students. This guy was in the hospital for 2 years as a result of his injuries, for which he received the Purple Heart. He is still in a wheelchair. What a disgrace that guys like him risk their lives so assholes like those that are in the audience are free to heckle him.

I am patient with stupidity, but not with those who are proud of it.


I will get a 2nd and 3rd job rather then send my daughter on a scholarship to that farce of an institution. They are a joke....then again they did have that walking Rat Ajmedinijad there so he could speak his vile. I am annoyed more then surprised at that lack of knowledge and respect for a true hero.
Years of inaction and corruption has paved the way for the Devil to ride in and take what he pleases.