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Messages - Bluebird

Listen I only went there because Salerno says Micheal is moving the union so he could pocket the rest of the money.And I heard that first hand so I didn't bring money into it. He DID.
He also doesn't think we need EPP. Sorry but I think we do! And that my friend is the issue.
Look lets face it.The only one on the Salerno Slate that was Shop Steward was Tom.No other candidate  on his slate has any knowledge of anything to do with this union.The only one that held the *label* was Mario Jean who by the way is running for Vice President.Now we ALL know he was Shop Steward for Reliant and we also know what a mess that was. Never again should he try to be a Shop Steward let alone our Vice President.
The whole bunch running on that slate is No experience,No knowledge, No integrity,No morals,ONLY lies,lies,lies!
Also here is a fact all the members should realize. If we didn't strike,mayor bloomjerk and walcott would continue on their road of destruction of this union.It was and is no secret he hates unions.And he worked hard to tear us down.And Michael and the Executive board called him out numerous times and he refused to sit and talk.
The Salernos have no knowledge or experience to clean the mess that bloomjerk made.And when he says that it was Michael who said *you people are lucky you have jobs* FACT is  it was HIM who said that.
He likes to say shit and blame others. Oh and the reason the union is moving is not so members can't go there.It's because the economy,the rent is to high.Real estate is too high. Just ask Tom or his brother Paul about how high since their parents left them a house in Bklyn  worth between  $750.000  to $1,000,000.He certainly isn't hurting for money.
Salerno says the EPP is to follow work and not job security! What a liar.If the EPP returns we are guaranteed to follow work and job security.
I would never vote that fool or his slate in.
This Salerno fool is a joke.Why would he think the epp is important? Especially when he and his brother Paul worked for Millford bus company back in 1979, the strike was on and those two losers CROSSED our picket line.They are the true poster boys for the word SCABS.No one in their right mind would vote for them.And how come we only hear about him when there is an election? How come he wasn't around letting his voice be heard when we were on strike this past year? Because he thinks he is above us all.Sitting in a warm car with the loser brother while we walked in the freezing temps.
This Salerno didn't do one thing to match what our current board has done to help us get back on track from the beating bloomjerk gave us.
The true fact is Michael and the Executive board have worked tirelessly making political friends and political allies getting thousands of members back to work,getting members their NLRB money back and still fighting to maintain the EPP.Ensuring they save the salaries,pensions and medical for members and their families.
Salerno slate keeps saying there is corruption with the Cordiello slate. Why does he lie? Is it because he can't find any fault so he makes shit up?He should tell the truth.When he was delegate he was the corrupt one.He lost the election for Vice President.So he makes lies up and hides his face in shame till another election comes up.And while in hiding never helps any members.Only crawls out when it's time to kiss his ass.And when it's time to cast your vote also remember it was Tom Salerno who approved the 3 red light policy with Tom Mullins under trusteeship.And that is fact. Ask any Atlantic Express Employee.

Unfortunately it is that time again - Remember every 3 years the same disgruntled members Tom Salerno and the Salerno Slate Eddie Kay and members for change pop-up their ugly heads.......
All members - don't forget Tom Salerno - ran for Vice President / LOST, ran for President /LOST, and now ran for Shop Steward in Hoyt (Hoyt has 200 members) Tom Salerno got 29 Votes...... He LOST that too   and now he is running for President Again........
Eddie Kay - who was never a Bus driver/and never a member of  1181 and his minions who are part of the reason this union has all these problems with the help of Mayor Bloomberg......
  Remember Michael Cordiello and the present Executive Board are Fighting for everything this Union has- Top Salaries,Pension, Medical Benefits, and Possibly Getting Everything Back with the EPP.......
Michael Cordiello and this Executive Board fought and Won to  get the 1181 Members and NLRB back pay which Pioneer,Tufaro, Boro, Lonero Etc; have started receiving..... Hoyt, and Atlantic Express Members also have a good chance to receive their NLRB......
Also Members of Local 1181 DO NOT Believe anything that Tom
Salerno/Salerno Slate, Eddie Kay, Members for Change say
they have no clue how to run this Union.......
So please don't listen to Nothing Tom Salerno/Salerno Slate, Eddie Kay, Members for Change say
      ALL THEY DO IS "LIE" and Continue to "LIE"............

Respectfully A Proud Member of Local 1181