Voting for Recchia?

Started by Buzz, October 26, 2014, 06:07:05 PM

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In case you're buying into the government's attempt to railroad Michael Grimm and are thinking of voting for Recchia, I want to remind you of something. Domenic Recchia was on the city council in 2008 and was one of the scumbags that voted in favor of giving Bloomberg an illegal third term. The detriment to our industry as a result is history.
I am patient with stupidity, but not with those who are proud of it.


Buzz , I'd be willing to bet that most of the drivers at pioneer voted for Bloomberg for a third term. It was a very close election, and Staten islanders voted overwhelmingly for bloomberg, not Bill Thompson. I wonder why?               


Ignizio was also on the council in 2008 and voted NO to extend term limits does that mean I'm supposed to like him. Let's not forget he IS AGAINST AN EPP!! My point being one thing (term limits) has nothing to do with the other (our EPP). Where was Grimm during the strike. Furthermore the prosecutor does charge someone with a 20 count indictment unless it's true. Lastly, when an elected official acts like a common thug and threatens a reporter it just doesn't make me comfortable with that politician representing me!! Now he has stooped so low as to have his mother send a letter (obviously which he orchestrated) to our houses. He doesn't care about Staten Islanders and he especially doesn't care about Local 1181 workers (which he has proven). He cares about his career. If he cared about the people he would not run for reelection. Instead he would resign gracefully and concentrate on his legal problems.


One thing has nothing to do with the other? Trashing the votes of millions of New Yorkers who voted TWICE for term limits which ultimately led to losing the EPP, and you say one thing has nothing to do with the other? OK, if you say so. But had Bloomberg not been given an illegal third term we would not be in the position we find ourselves now.

Also, as a Sandy victim, I can tell you NO ONE has done more for Staten Islanders than Grimm, much less Recchia ... except that he really DID vote for a measure in 2002 that raised your property taxes 18.5%.

I respectfully disagree with you on both counts.
I am patient with stupidity, but not with those who are proud of it.


I also have to respectfully disagree with you. As I stated earlier where was Grimm when we went on strike and what politician in their right mind threatens physical harm to a reporter for doing his job? As far as the 20 count indictment (which apparently means nothing to many voters) we'll just have to wait to February and see. As far as our EPP goes which at this time is the most important issue facing me & my family (and I would assume all 1181 workers) and someone correct me if I'm wrong I don't think I've ever heard Grimm even speak of it whether for or against. Usually at least to me that means that person is against but stays neutral in the hope of getting your vote. Curiosity, I wonder if Ernie and/or our Executive Board are endorsing Grimm?


Question 1: What does 18.5% of your property taxes amount to?

Question 2: How much did losing the EPP cost you?

Question 3: How much has Grimm ever cost you?

Quote from: PROUD MEMBER on October 27, 2014, 02:26:55 PM
I wonder if Ernie and/or our Executive Board are endorsing Grimm?

Who gives a shit? Didn't our union endorse Obama?
I am patient with stupidity, but not with those who are proud of it.


Quote from: PROUD MEMBER on October 27, 2014, 03:04:07 AM
Furthermore the prosecutor does charge someone with a 20 count indictment unless it's true.
(I assume you meant does NOT.)

I missed this statement the first time around.

Are you for real????
I am patient with stupidity, but not with those who are proud of it.


Ur assumption is right I left out the word "not". Thank you for pointing that out. I don't understand what u mean when u ask " Are u for real?" With regards to your questions
1: I'm not gonna state what my property taxes are and but I will state that it is no where near 18.5%.
2: Losing the EPP cost me $3000.00 net for the 5 weeks during the strike. Another $3000.00 net take home per year as per our newest contract which we signed last year. So by June of 2015 it will have cost me $9000.00 cash or 9 mortgage payments however you want to look at it. And that's not counting any possible overtime which is now gone. Also come June if no EPP is put back in place it will cost all of us that are fortunate enough  to still be working a lot more if not our jobs completely. Plus not only the financial but the emotional & mental stress. BESIDES HOW CAN YOU EVEN ASK THAT QUESTION... IT HAS ALREADY COST THOUSANDS OF OUR BROTHERS & SISTERS THEIR LIVELIHOODS!!
3: Financially Grimm has cost me nothing. I just feel he is an embarrassment to the people and office he represents. Furthermore again I'll state when he wanted our votes we heard from him, WHEN WE WERE ON STRIKE WE DIDN'T!!!


Quote from: PROUD MEMBER on October 27, 2014, 05:53:08 PM
I just feel he is an embarrassment to the people and office he represents. Furthermore again I'll state when he wanted our votes we heard from him, WHEN WE WERE ON STRIKE WE DIDN'T!!!

1) So to you, an indictment is equivalent to a guilty verdict. (Why bother with a trial?)

2) The democrats (at the behest of Obama, I believe) have been trying to pin something ... anything ... on Grimm because it's the only way Recchia would stand any chance against him.

3) I didn't see Recchia when we were on strike either.

4) I see you have a hard-on for Grimm and your mind is made up. So be it.
I am patient with stupidity, but not with those who are proud of it.


As I see your mind is already made up! Always good chatting with you Buzz. I'll touch back on this subject in February.
PS: Check out the front page of today's SI Advance


When do we turn the clocks back?


Quote from: PROUD MEMBER on October 27, 2014, 09:50:26 PM
As I see your mind is already made up! Always good chatting with you Buzz. I'll touch back on this subject in February.
PS: Check out the front page of today's SI Advance

I saw the Advance.More smear. But I didn't intend to argue politics. The point of my original post was ...

city council vote = Bloomy's third term = no EPP

And that's the bottom line.

I am patient with stupidity, but not with those who are proud of it.


And my bottom line is Grimm who may have done good for Sandy victims is without a doubt appreciated whether it was from the heart or just positive publicity for himself, I don't know. I do know he physically threatened that reporter. I saw it and heard it. Also eventhough a 20 count indictment doesn't (for now) mean he's guilty it doesn't look good. The prosecutor is not going to make them charges unless there is enough evidence to do so. With regards to helping Local 1181 during our crisis and still to today he is no where to be found. I'm done if you want the last word it's all yours.


Grimm's got my vote!

and who cares who the union or ernie votes for.It's YOUR vote.Use it well.


I didn't say you or me or any member has to vote the way the Union says. And the answer to your question is I care. Usually when your in a Union the majority of the members want to know who their representatives (Ernie/EB) endorse for political office. The reason being they are in a better position and have more knowledge than me or you as to what politician is better for this Local and its members. You listen to their reasons than you make a decision and make YOUR vote. I understand that the past 2 years things around this Local have been far from good but as with any Union or Local we have to at least listen (and ask questions) of our representatives. After all is that why we elect them? To make decisions and suggestions to & for us!!!