Started by Just_Right, May 22, 2014, 02:48:21 AM

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Two people I know tried posting to Salernos site and the posts were deleted.
I put one up today and this is what I get:

*Pending Post Approval
Your post has been submitted to the guestbook owner for their approval. Once the owner has approved your post, it will display on this guestbook. *

So people pay attention..if and I say a huge IF they get voted in..this is how they will run our union.Underhanded and sneaky.And even deciding who has a voice in anything. Way to go losers.


Yep, they're the masters of dissent and the first to complain that their voices aren't heard ... but they don't allow anyone else's to be heard either.

Here's some more that were deleted ... but not before I got a screen shot ...

I am patient with stupidity, but not with those who are proud of it.


Hey Buzz,
Just heard from the underground that the scums will be at our yard in the morning.Let's hope all our smart co workers pass them up and  go on their way to do their amazing jobs as bus drivers.
Oh wait..I am sure there will be a few scum fans to follow them around.


Good luck to All who put themselves out there to try and make our union better. I welcome all to our yard and we can let them know what we all want,a.good fair job and security. plus a little respect from out of control mangers and the which hunt at opt. That's it for me.I will listen and make my decision to myself .


Quote from: Just_Right on May 22, 2014, 04:03:56 AM
Hey Buzz,
Just heard from the underground that the scums will be at our yard in the morning.Let's hope all our smart co workers pass them up and  go on their way to do their amazing jobs as bus drivers.
Oh wait..I am sure there will be a few scum fans to follow them around.

Yeah, some did stop ... but then, it's hard for some to pass up a train wreck.
I am patient with stupidity, but not with those who are proud of it.