Trying to clear the AIR!

Started by Ernie, August 28, 2020, 11:50:49 PM

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Please ,
everyone has to stop feeding into all the fabrications coming from other companies..yes we know that the runs from the BOE have been sitting on their website since last year .With absolutely no changes SINCE THE PANDEMIC .the Board of ED  has no understanding  just how they are going to proceed. Changes are being made every single day. The union has been ghosted by the Board Of ED and the Mayor's office for months.
In spite of numerous calls from the Union and our International President trying and get some sort of resolve to move forward. We would love to come out and tell everyone what they would love to hear. But all you are going to get from me and the rest of the Union is the TRUTH.
As far as our accrual money, arbitration was completed to today. As everyone should know there is no answer from any arbitration in the same day. So Just because you don't hear from the Union as often as you like..Please be advised your President and your Executive board are working diligently every single day to get us all back to work.
As I always say as soon as I get any information I will certainly forward whatever the union knows and whatever the union needs to tell the membership. I do understand that there is a lot of negativity and unrest... and rightfully so. There is so much unknown in this new climate we are in. I truly promise that as SOON AS ANY information is given I will be OUT THERE.
Please remember although you hear stories and false assumptions of other companies I can assure you NO ONE knows exactly what protocol will be in place at this time.
And let me be clear on this....In spite of what is spoken ... the union always did and always will have your back.

Thank you


Thanks, Ern. We all needed to hear that. I can understand peoples' frustration, especially those who are on the balls of their ass and some seem to take out that frustration on the union. Can't blame them for what they don't know. I know you, Michael and all of the EB are just as frustrated and angry, if not more so, because you have all been working harder than you did even before this virus hit and you're not seeing the response and results you're hoping for ... so far.

I think most of us realize that the union has a vested interest in getting us back to work as soon as possible and as safely as possible. Thanks for weighing in.
I am patient with stupidity, but not with those who are proud of it.


Thanks Ernie for coming on and weighing in on the situation. Hopefully it will help to put some of our minds at ease.

I also hope that most understand this is not just a monetary problem but a safety issue. And everyone's concerns are valid. Hopefully we can unite as one membership and get us back what is owed along with back to work.

God knows we could all use some normalcy and security back in our lives !!!!