There are Two Sides to Going Back !

Started by Hammer2161, September 10, 2020, 11:17:16 PM

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Brothers and Sisters luckily for all of us it looks like it will be a return to work very soon.
And for all of us I believe that is a much needed relief.

But with that being said there are certainly 2 sides to going back.
1- For many of us this is a must and for many we feel that no matter what the safety precautions are that are put in place it hopefully will be enough. We have all for certain gone to a store or maybe even enjoyed outdoor dining or possibly even a family get together. So for many going back seems no more intimidating than any of those situations were. But ?

2- For many I am sure returning to work is a scary proposition. Hopefully there are many of us who have not been directly affected by this virus but unfortunately for some that is not the case. They may be afraid of going back for one reason or another. For many of us there are medical concerns that put us at a greater risk than it does others.

All I am asking is that we all respect each other no matter what category you personally fall into. Please try not to look upon someone else's concerns as trivial because to them they may  seem like life or death. It is a shame that for some they feel they have to choose between the safety of their families and themselves and their livelihood. But for those same people this is a very agonizing decision. For others going back is a must for many reasons and I am sure at the top of the list is just to be able to feel comfortable again in their everyday lives.

Respect Each Other Please for School Bus Drivers Lives Matter As Well !!!!


    Well said!  May God bless us all and keep us safe.


I am patient with stupidity, but not with those who are proud of it.