Reopening Target Date Sept. 10

Started by Buzz, July 02, 2020, 05:45:11 AM

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All of this is good food for thought but the reality is we are not even sure we are going back in September. There are a million and one different scenarios that can play out and unfortunately as usual our hands are pretty much tied. But as I see it today is July 5th and we are no closer to being ready to go back to work than we were on March 13th. It seems there is no contingency plan in place and if and when we go back it's going to be mostly trial and error. I for one am not counting on that moron in the mayors seat to have our best interests at heart. But the longer they keep delaying any formal plans the less likely we are to be ready to go back in September. Trying to stay positive but they are not making that part easy.


Quote from: steady on July 05, 2020, 09:48:45 AM
I'm going to throw another thought to our members.  We have a no child left behind law. Do you believe the parents will follow the guidelines that the BOE might set in place on how many students will go to school each day.  It could happen that parents will break the rules and you might find some students showing up each and every day not following the reduced attendance.

As long as we have protection from us separating us from the students I can care less how many kids are on the bus lol. I'd rather be safe and have an easy way of doing the job than a safe way and going back multiple times.


Quote from: Hammer2161 on July 05, 2020, 03:19:17 PM
All of this is good food for thought but the reality is we are not even sure we are going back in September. There are a million and one different scenarios that can play out and unfortunately as usual our hands are pretty much tied. But as I see it today is July 5th and we are no closer to being ready to go back to work than we were on March 13th. It seems there is no contingency plan in place and if and when we go back it's going to be mostly trial and error. I for one am not counting on that moron in the mayors seat to have our best interests at heart. But the longer they keep delaying any formal plans the less likely we are to be ready to go back in September. Trying to stay positive but they are not making that part easy.

Agreed, as I've said from March they had 6 months for stuff to get the ball moving but I especially think that company wise they need to go about their own thing to make sure we are safe and not spring it on us last minute.  Get the mechanics in the yard, start installing what needs to be installed so that's one less headache to worry about and don't have to do last minute. But overall like you said there is no plan for any situation


As far as plexiglass I spoke to my friend in the MTA and he said this
The local buses have partitions already for the driver. But supposed to be installing some.type of curtain soon. And they have a curtain blocking off the back.of the bus from the from and everyone enters from the back... but on the express, nothing yet


That ends soon. In August people will start loading local MTA buses from the front.


Many of us seem to forget that the overwhelming majority of school buses DO NOT have air conditioning. Be careful of what you ask for!