1181 Drivers Forum

DRIVERS' ROOM => Work Related => Topic started by: Buzz on October 21, 2015, 10:43:57 PM

Question: Would you support a strike if the owner fails to bargain in good faith?
Option 1: Yes
Option 2: No
Title: Strike Vote
Post by: Buzz on October 21, 2015, 10:43:57 PM
Unfortunately, Pioneer (and Consolidated) has back-pedaled on much of the progress made in prior meetings. This to the such extent that the union has called a moderator to the next meeting to document the failure on the part of the contractor(s) to bargain in good faith. It seems inevitable that a strike vote will be called for. Let's precede that with an informal poll just to let Ernie know that we are overwhelmingly behind him. It's understood that nobody really wants to strike unless we have exhausted all attempts at honest negotiation.

If you are reading this, it is important that you vote! Merely reading will not show Ernie a vote of confidence. There is NO WAY anyone will know how you vote. IT IS COMPLETELY ANONYMOUS! The poll can only tabulate the Yes and No votes. It does not have the capability of connecting the vote to the user. You can only vote once and only see the results if you voted.

Please, show Ernie that we will stand united behind him if and when (more likely "when") an actual strike vote is necessary.
Title: Re: Strike Vote
Post by: Buzz on October 21, 2015, 11:39:43 PM
At the time of this post this poll was viewed 21 times and only 3 people voted, one of them being myself. This is not going to show the numbers Ernie needs to see. Please, don't just read ... VOTE!
Title: Re: Strike Vote
Post by: Rock Steady on October 22, 2015, 01:34:02 AM
Make calls and spread the word, lets get this thing rolling
Title: Re: Strike Vote
Post by: rc1790 on October 22, 2015, 02:06:46 AM
We did our part with our last contract. We were told that we had to take cuts in order for the company to be competitive in bidding on a contract extention. The owner obviously is playing us for fools. We need to send a strong message and strike if necessary. Or at the least call out sick 50 at a time. We continue to have drivers volunteer to cover runs. As members of the same union, we should not allow it.
Title: Re: Strike Vote
Post by: Air_Brakes on October 22, 2015, 02:39:00 AM
You have to sign in to vote and view results :crazy:
Title: Re: Strike Vote
Post by: Buzz on October 22, 2015, 02:44:15 AM
Quote from: Air_Brakes on October 22, 2015, 02:39:00 AM
You have to sign in to vote and view results :crazy:

Yes, but there is no way to pair the vote with the username of the person voting.
Title: Re: Strike Vote
Post by: Buzz on October 22, 2015, 02:53:29 AM
Quote from: rc1790 on October 22, 2015, 02:06:46 AM
We did our part with our last contract. We were told that we had to take cuts in order for the company to be competitive in bidding on a contract extention. The owner obviously is playing us for fools.

We did the right thing. We showed that we were willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. It's a shame that our trust was violated in such a poignant way.

Now we know better.
Title: Re: Strike Vote
Post by: PROUD MEMBER on October 22, 2015, 12:46:06 PM
I vote YES but although this informal vote is for our benefit and to show solidarity in my opinion it really doesn't show anything. First of all Pioneer (all yards included) has between 800 and 900 Union Members. I would assume and correct me if I'm wrong only about 10% of them frequent this site. Secondly, and more importantly I understand that all means should be exhausted before a Strike but doesn't everyone agree that a official Strike Authorization Vote should be taken NOW in order to help in being a bargaining tool in the "so called" negotiations? I say "so called" because from what I hear and read Neil is not negotiating at all. Neil and other contractors held out and got what they wanted from the City. Now unfortunately it looks like it may be out turn!
Title: Re: Strike Vote
Post by: Buzz on October 22, 2015, 02:41:37 PM
Quote from: PROUD MEMBER on October 22, 2015, 12:46:06 PM
I vote YES but although this informal vote is for our benefit and to show solidarity in my opinion it really doesn't show anything. First of all Pioneer (all yards included) has between 800 and 900 Union Members. I would assume and correct me if I'm wrong only about 10% of them frequent this site. Secondly, and more importantly I understand that all means should be exhausted before a Strike but doesn't everyone agree that a official Strike Authorization V

This site currently has 476 members. How many of them "frequent" this site, I couldn't tell you. Still, no matter how many or few vote it is still a random sampling which has proven very accurate in past union elections and I think would be just as useful in this instance.

Quote from: PROUD MEMBER on October 22, 2015, 12:46:06 PM
Secondly, and more importantly I understand that all means should be exhausted before a Strike but doesn't everyone agree that a official Strike Authorization Vote should be taken NOW in order to help in being a bargaining tool in the "so called" negotiations?

Yes, and an official strike vote will be coming very soon (perhaps tomorrow or Monday).
Title: Re: Strike Vote
Post by: 4real on October 22, 2015, 03:05:56 PM
Title: Re: Strike Vote
Post by: hognol on October 22, 2015, 11:06:28 PM
I vote yes.  Neil has made more money than he ever did.  I believe he is not bargaining in good faith, he really has no heart for his employees and is only concerned for his pocket.  We have to go down with a fight.
Title: Re: Strike Vote
Post by: rc1790 on October 22, 2015, 11:35:44 PM
We should have a union meeting at a Knights of Columbus or other location with only Pioneer personnel. We can discuss our options and progress with everyone on board. Expose those who continue to cover work when asked by the office and make it stop until we are treated fairly.
Title: Re: Strike Vote
Post by: Buzz on October 22, 2015, 11:48:20 PM

We maybe could do that, but it looks like Neil pretty much challenged us to exercise the only option we have.
Title: Re: Strike Vote
Post by: Buzz on October 23, 2015, 12:35:31 AM
At the time of this posting there are 24 in favor, zero against.

I read that the average political poll is usually taken of only about 1,000 people. Considering there are 200 million voting-eligible adults in the U.S., that's a very small percentage. The same website said "The important rule in sampling is not how many poll respondents are selected but, instead, how they are selected. A reliable sample selects poll respondents randomly or in a manner that insures that everyone in the area being surveyed has a known chance of being selected."

I think we have a fairly good indication of how a strike vote would go. I don't think it will actually be 100%, but I would not be surprised to see 90%. I think people see the difference between the lost cause of the last strike and the basis for this one ... should there unfortunately be one.

Thank all of you who have participated thus far.
Title: Re: Strike Vote
Post by: PROUD MEMBER on October 23, 2015, 04:29:19 AM
I agree with rc1790 about having a meeting. I'm not that concerned with exposing a fellow member who is covering work. First of all for the most part we already know who covers work on a regular basis. Secondly, do you think the people we're talking about really care if you "expose" them. Thirdly, if you're told by the office to do something you have no choice but to do it. Lastly, we don't know the finances of some of those people. They may need it to support their families. We need to have a meeting for this exact reason. So we are all on the same page and not divided. Every driver, attendant and mechanic (yes mechanic) from all of Pioneer's properties should have a meeting with Michael and the Board before a strike vote is held. I realized this just today. There's just to many different stories, rumors, versions, whatever you want to call it. If an agreement cannot be made soon then we the Union Membership at Pioneer have to get more directly involved. Enough of this BS talking shit in the yard or at the schools or even on this site. This is our and our families futures and I for one am fed up and as I just stated if need be I want my and my fellow members voices to be heard!
Title: Re: Strike Vote
Post by: Grrr on October 23, 2015, 02:54:15 PM
+2 on the Meeting.

I hear ya brother.
Title: Re: Strike Vote
Post by: Goose623 on October 23, 2015, 03:26:11 PM
Strike right now!!! Send a clear message..
Title: Re: Strike Vote
Post by: PROUD MEMBER on October 23, 2015, 04:27:00 PM
I thought the same way up until a few days ago and although I'm still leaning that way first I have questions I want answered. As I am sure many of us do. The main question would be is the International behind us and is so or if not would a strike be considered a Wildcat?
Title: Re: Strike Vote
Post by: Buzz on October 23, 2015, 05:11:48 PM

We would not do a wildcat. As long as it is authorized by the local it is not a wildcat ... with or without the International's approval. (But I don't know what their stance is in this case.)
Title: Re: Strike Vote
Post by: gigi11744 on October 24, 2015, 10:23:51 AM
should have walked already...