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Work Related / Re: Voting for Recchia?
October 27, 2014, 02:26:55 PM
I also have to respectfully disagree with you. As I stated earlier where was Grimm when we went on strike and what politician in their right mind threatens physical harm to a reporter for doing his job? As far as the 20 count indictment (which apparently means nothing to many voters) we'll just have to wait to February and see. As far as our EPP goes which at this time is the most important issue facing me & my family (and I would assume all 1181 workers) and someone correct me if I'm wrong I don't think I've ever heard Grimm even speak of it whether for or against. Usually at least to me that means that person is against but stays neutral in the hope of getting your vote. Curiosity, I wonder if Ernie and/or our Executive Board are endorsing Grimm?
Work Related / Re: Voting for Recchia?
October 27, 2014, 03:04:07 AM
Ignizio was also on the council in 2008 and voted NO to extend term limits does that mean I'm supposed to like him. Let's not forget he IS AGAINST AN EPP!! My point being one thing (term limits) has nothing to do with the other (our EPP). Where was Grimm during the strike. Furthermore the prosecutor does charge someone with a 20 count indictment unless it's true. Lastly, when an elected official acts like a common thug and threatens a reporter it just doesn't make me comfortable with that politician representing me!! Now he has stooped so low as to have his mother send a letter (obviously which he orchestrated) to our houses. He doesn't care about Staten Islanders and he especially doesn't care about Local 1181 workers (which he has proven). He cares about his career. If he cared about the people he would not run for reelection. Instead he would resign gracefully and concentrate on his legal problems.
1181 Matters / Re: Mandatory Metting 10/30
October 24, 2014, 11:13:59 PM
The idea of discarding the ENTIRE past election is absurd!! We live in a system that has rules & regulations and an election is part of that system. And no matter what the results of that election we have to live with it and make the best of it. Now if there is proof beyond a reasonable doubt that there was some sort of wrongdoing then that's another story. But if this is about the few hundred ballots that for some reason were never opened & counted then lets figure out if they should be counted or not. If yes, count them and let the chips fall where they may. If those few hundred votes rightfully shouldn't have been counted then let's stop BSing around and start talking about getting the EPP back and hopefully some of the thousands of Brothers & Sisters out of work back to work!!!
1181 Matters / Re: Mandatory Metting 10/30
October 24, 2014, 06:13:39 PM
What is the reason that SOMEONE is stating  the last vote should be discarded?
Work Related / Re: Let's Ban together!!
October 24, 2014, 03:31:50 AM
Eventhough Neil is still working under the same contract with the BOE we at Pioneer were basically told it was in our best interest to ratify the last contract eventhough it had give backs. We were told it was the best contract industry wide and I like the majority of us at Pioneer bought into it. I'm not saying it wasn't the best contract offer out there but it just a shame that we gave back and Neil's pay remained the same. That's said & done and we can't change that. Now the rumors are starting which unfortunately I believe to be true about more givebacks, paying more into medical, etc... Another rumor I hear is that Neil is going to get a two year extension. Which if true is definitely good news for the members at Pioneer. If he does get an extension then there is no way we should be asked to pay or give up anything. In the amendment to the contract we last signed (and someone correct me if I'm wrong) I'm sure it read if Neil was to get an extension that he would have to sit down and renegotiate the contract. That suggests to me that the renegotiation would be in our favor and not his!! Has anyone else heard of an extension?
Work Related / Re: Let's Ban together!!
October 23, 2014, 12:25:25 AM
Apparently Bloomberg has & is doing exactly what he set out to do before he left office. BREAK OUR UNION!!!! So far I think the number is between 2500 to 4000 members out of work. Secondly, our Local is now negotiating separate contracts at each property. And NOW members at each property are fighting (at least at Pioneer) amongst ourselves. This Local is literally hanging on by a thread!! Shouldn't we be "Banding Together" instead of "Ripping Apart".
Work Related / Re: Let's Ban together!!
October 18, 2014, 02:43:50 AM
The only thing I would want with regards to Owen's job is his paycheck! I agree that Joe Bono was a good GM but I also understand that in the mere 6 years or so that he is gone the GM position has changed drastically. The rules & regulations & pressure from the BOE, OPT & Neil was nothing back then as it is today. Also the relationship between Neil & the Union was also drastically different. I would have to agree (if true) that hitting a cone in the yard is going to far. Also in just that little bit of time since Joe left technology such as this site, FB, camera phones, etc. is much more prevalent which does not help the GM's job or ours. Oh and lets not forget if it were not for one of our former coworkers (who was working at the time) that made a phone call and thought he was f**king Owen instead f**ked all of us and made our jobs harder. If things were like this when Joe was here I think he would have retired a lot sooner and that's if he would have taken the job to begin with. Have a good weekend!!
Work Related / Re: Let's Ban together!!
October 17, 2014, 07:42:30 PM
Buzz but I thought the gist of this subject Lets Ban Together was about Owen being or not being a good GM and unfortunately our former co workers names come up. But your point & concern is understood. Thanks
Work Related / Re: Let's Ban together!!
October 17, 2014, 02:47:33 PM
This will be my last post with regards to this subject. As I have said I hate to see anyone get terminated. I personally have no problem with Owen as many others also have no problems with him and then there are those who do. I feel for and respect each one's circumstance and opinion. It's just that a firmly believe if you do your job and you do it right he can not fire you and Ernie & our Union Reps will make sure of that. With the exception of drugs or drinking even if you make a mistake as long as you immediately own up to it it is still very difficult to lose your job.
Work Related / Re: Let's Ban together!!
October 17, 2014, 07:54:31 AM
It's not a debate we're just talking after all is that part of what this site is for. With regards to your remark, "We all ALREADY know wrong or right." Nothing could be further from the truth. Sue didn't know, Carol didn't know, the matron drinking while on the clock didn't know and many others didn't know. I firmly believe here at Pioneer if you get terminated 99% of the time unfortunately you deserved it otherwise Ernie would have made sure you didn't lose your job. Also as I've said in the past for every person that has been fired there is at least one or probably five that could have been fired that were not. And that is definitely because of Ernie and probably because of Owen bending a little. I think this "Let's Ban Together" category was started in a retaliation towards Owen for terminating people. The bottom line is he is doing his job and those who get terminated or fined or suspended are not. Come on guys "Let's Ban Together" and do our jobs to the best of our abilities as PROFESSIONAL SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS & ATTENDANTS and we won't have to worry if Owen is a good or bad boss!!
Work Related / Re: Let's Ban together!!
October 17, 2014, 12:28:39 AM
As I've said in the past it's unfortunate to see anyone lose their job. John the way you write (or should I say she explained it) sounds plausible but again unfortunately that does not justify (at least in my opinion) her circumstance. First of all whether she VISUALLY observed damage or not she admitted (explained) at least to you that she hit or ran over something. That alone constitutes an accident. Further more she got out of the van to look, does she know if the undercarriage has damage? Right then and there whether or not she sees damage just to be on the safe side she should call it in. If not call the office at least call Ernie or Andy and follow their instructions. Secondly, when called into the office and repeatedly asked if you had an accident she would of had to been literally dumb not to know what Owen was talking about. I know Sue well and she is not dumb but she was probably nervous. When given the chance by Owen all she had to say was "If you're talking about the other day, I think a ran something over but I checked and did not observe anything. If that's what you're talking about then yes I had an accident." Instead she tried to play dumb and on top of it tried to pin it on a shape driver.
Work Related / Re: Let's Ban together!!
October 16, 2014, 12:06:37 PM
I can't believe what I read. Yesterday it was pick on City Workers day now today its sexual harassment. Plain & simple Sue had an accident and didn't report. That and that alone is grounds for termination but the so called scumbag GM called her in and gave her not one or two but three chances to come clean. She still denied it. Then on top of that she tried to blame it on another driver (a shape)!! As far as passing A bus with its sign out I DO NOT do it. Just because some people do it doesn't make it right. Read the memo on the glass in the driver's room in reference to bus signs in and out. A child got killed by a school bus. TELL THAT PARENT ITS MAKING A MOUNTAIN OUT OF A MOLE HILL. Wake up and do your job!!
Work Related / Re: Let's Ban together!!
October 15, 2014, 01:18:06 PM
Well said John. To worker341 although I respect your opinion I have to disagree. You post a comment under the title "Lets Ban Together" then you do just the opposite and call some of your Brothers & Sisters pussies. How do you expect co-workers to listen to your views when you start out by putting then down. As far as retired City Workers ruining this job and the Union allowing it nothing could be further from the truth. First of all eventhough these members already have pensions the majority of them need this job just like anyone else otherwise they wouldn't be working. Secondly with regards to the Union allowing it your not taking the big picture into account. Eventhough retired City Workers may make up a large percentage of members at Pioneer they are a VERY SMALL percentage in this industry. Believe me this Union is not favoring them. As I repeatedly have said "Do your job & do it right."
Work Related / Re: Let's Ban together!!
October 15, 2014, 04:03:25 AM
When someone is drunk on the job and is turned in by a school official do you really expect that person to keep his or her job? When someone has an accident and doesn't report it than after the fact is given the chance to report it and still denies it do you really expect that person to keep his or her job? Sometimes my fellow Brothers & Sisters we have to take off the blinders and see things as they are!!
I can't speak for retiring drivers with any certainty but I would have to assume they have just reached that point in their lives. I doubt if the EPP has anything to do with their decisions because if it did why wouldn't they just wait until a final decision was made on the EPP? As far as the EPP goes I have repeatedly asked (as recently as last week) and both my shop steward & one of our Union Reps both said things look good for a reinstatement of the EPP. They both sounded confident!!!