Curves Parking Update List

Started by Gary 209, January 10, 2019, 04:45:12 AM

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Gary 209

I spoke with Carlo and the parking in the rear lot is a "Month by Month thing". He does not know when and if it will be available to us. Supposedly the new owner has someone for it, and Carlo doesn't know when they are going to take over and if we can stay in the rear lot till then. The front lot will still be available to us. This is the reason why he asked me to help him prepare a list, so it's no surprise to anyone if we loss the rear lot and you find yourself out and no place to park overnight. He's trying to keep everyone informed and updated. This should help you deciding your pick next week. As for Feburary he does not know yet if we can park in the rear lot.

The Owner and Carlo will allow the following bus numbers to have a spot in the front when we loose the rear lot and be given new permits:
409, 32C, 885, 805, 955, 106, 144, V90, 411, 26G, 956, 780, 9048, 399, 1155, 718, 211, 444, 802, 932, 957, 811, 952, 849, 395, 954, 803, 27G, 777, 224, 836, 650, 447, 627, 373, V25G, 119.

The following bus numbers will be on the waiting list if he cant fit them in now or if someone goes to Sharrotts:
655, 1123, 951.
Some spots will be assigned so he can maximize more spots. Those spots have not been determined yet, hopefully with your help he can accommodared more drivers. If you know that you come in early and leave late he can block you in so another driver can park.

If you are parking in the front lot now and not on the list, help your fellow drivers out and park in the rear lot, so he can get a true idea how many cars he can fit and where to put them.
Gary 106