Union Thought

Started by mirrorcheck, June 22, 2011, 12:45:18 AM

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"There are enough fights for us to take on with enemies of the Union. We dont need to fight each other. More then any other time labor is under attack.As your International President it is frustrating to watch some hard working officers under constant attack by people in there own Union. We are democratic and our Union halls are where we have our debates.Sometimes we take our debates too far,to the point that we disrupt the ability of our Union to Function".- Larry Hanley, International President.

                 I agree with this statement in the May/June 2011 In Transit magazine,it is some good insight.
Years of inaction and corruption has paved the way for the Devil to ride in and take what he pleases.


Boy, that couldn't ring true for any local more than ours. Unfortunately there will always be some who put their own agendas and greed ahead of the good of the membership as a whole.

And we could surely do without the shit-stirrers like drone Ed Decay and rag-writer Dick Steier of The Chief, who never gets tired of beating his same anti-Cordiello drum.
I am patient with stupidity, but not with those who are proud of it.


Buzz thats exactly why I put up that quote. When do they stop? They only hurt ALL of the members with these constant needless attacks. To some its just an article or entertainment,others its a life they attack and hurt.
Years of inaction and corruption has paved the way for the Devil to ride in and take what he pleases.