union masterpick

Started by buddy, February 02, 2011, 11:04:46 PM

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again our delagates go beyond their normal tasks, i was at the pick today one of the delagates jim hedge had to pick a
company because dak is being sold to a non 1181 co.  although he wanted to be on the list of hoyt trans. him picking this
company would have meant a 20 year friend who also wanted hoyt could not pick hoyt to save this member from going to another co. jim hedge picked mountainside way to go jim, you Micheal and the rest of the exec board deserve those jobs.


Jimmy is a class act, and loyalty is a rare commodity nowadays. Our executive board is under-appreciated by some, but I think most of us value the caliber of people we have up there.


I am patient with stupidity, but not with those who are proud of it.


buzz one of the reasons i posted yesterday was to get the ball rolling i totally agree
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