Opposite ends of the spectrum

Started by Buzz, May 25, 2013, 03:26:00 AM

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Pondering our predicament and my experience of the past week, a comparison of the different kinds of people in this world came to mind.

On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday there were 7 to 9 people on any given day who volunteered through the Siller (Tunnel to Towers) Foundation, putting up insulation and sheetrock in my house (donated by Siller and Pastor Steve of Movement Church). They were all retired folks (including 2 women) mostly in their 60's, all of them experienced ... a couple from being in the trade, others from having volunteered previously with Habitat for Humanity.

They could have been relaxing and enjoying their well-deserved retirement in their homes ... some from right here on Staten Island, to as far away as Virginia and Florida. Instead, they were here, helping me restore my house, sleeping at night on air mattresses in Moravian church. They worked so meticulously, so conscientiously, so intently ... and most of all so cheerfully ... that there was no doubt it was truly a labor of love. Their faces and demeanor showed that there was joy in their hearts to be able to do their good deed. It was as if it was their privilege to be here.

At the other end of the spectrum there are millionaire contractors. Greedy, shameless, concerned only with increasing their own wealth. Their money will prevent them from ever needing ... or having the blessing of knowing ... people such as I met this week. It's doubtful you'd ever see one of them doing for anyone what those people did for me this week or sleeping in a church basement. Sure, they could relieve their guilt and pat themselves on the back and convince themselves they've done some good for people by donating to charity ... but even that will be with partly ill-gotten money glommed from honest, middle-class working people trying to make ends meet ... the very people who make them their millions.

Yep, the difference in people is absolutely astounding.

I am patient with stupidity, but not with those who are proud of it.


Very good post Buzz. What a contrast of night and day and how this crazy world spins for some people. Its nice to have money,not if this is how you have to act(the contractors) then I dont want it.
Years of inaction and corruption has paved the way for the Devil to ride in and take what he pleases.


Buzz - its actually refreshing to hear there still are GREAT people in the world today!