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Topics - Gary 209

Work Related / November Parking Due This Friday 10/30
October 27, 2020, 03:28:05 AM
It's that time again! November parking for Curves and Johnson street is Due this Friday 10/30!

Just spoke with Carlos at Curves, He will be there at Curves tomorrow (Tuesday) 10 till Noon, Then again on Friday 10/30 in the morning. If you miss him then leave your payment in the mailbox in an envelope with your name and bus number on it as usual. I will also collect for Curves if you don't want to leave it in the mailbox. Please put it in an envelope with your name and bus number on it and I will give it to Carlos for you.

As for Johnson street parking payment, I will be there on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday after 3:15. You can also see Grace in the early mornings in the van. Payment is Due this Friday.

Update: This month parking worked out very good! There was only 1 issue that Grace solved within 2 minutes.  :thumbup:

Please put your permit in the window.

Thank You
Gary 106
October 16, 2020, 07:07:37 PM
There was one CONFIRMED case yesterday (10/15) at PS 69. It was a kindergartner in class K-H. The parents of children in that class was notified and their children are now quarantine for 14 days. Only that class was closed.

If anyone hears of any other confirmed cases at a school, lets post it here so we all can be aware. Nobody else is going to let us know what's going on!

Lets Not use this tread for discussions, Only for Viruses at schools.
Work Related / Johnson Street Parking Spots Available
October 04, 2020, 07:19:33 AM
Hello All,

Welcome to the 4 New drivers that signed up. Also thanks to the drivers that PAID on time. We now have enough spots paid to keep both lots open. There are also 2 spots available. First come first served.

Be advise that once the month starts and payment is made to the owner, there is No refund for the remainder of that month, if public schools close.

If public schools closes next month (November) or any month before the month starts, the security deposit will be returned if you want it back, or it can be used for the month when we come back. This is fair for the owner and us.

For the few drivers that still haven't paid but contacted me and said you still wanted to keep your spot, you must see Grace in the early AM (5:00 - 7:00), she drives the van for rides to the yard or see me, I come into the yard about 3:10. You must pay by this Wednesday 10/7 or you spot becomes available to everybody.

Please Put Your New Permit In The Window and Park Correctly In Your Lane.

PS: Grace has 99.9% Disinfecting Wipes 250 count large container for $15.00, they would easily sell for $25 -$30 in any store! Place your order while they are still available!

Thank You
Gary 106
Hello Everybody!!!

Hope everybody is well.

I have been in contact with Carlos and the lot will be available to us again! If you had a spot before this shit happened you HAVE IT AGAIN NOW! Please park in the same spot as usual.

Carlos will be there this Monday 9/14 and Tuesday 9/15 from 9:30 -2:00 pm. If you are still interested in parking there, you Must bring back your old permit and have your car and plate number available so he can make you a New Permit. It is still the same price monthly except for Sept. (almost a 1/2 month $10.00). You must be paid before Oct. 1 and have a NEW permit to park there.

Sept. rent is only $10.00 ----- 9/21 - 9/30


Johnson Street Parking Info.

Welcome Back!

I have secured our lots again! If you are still interested in parking there please see me ASAP!
You still have a spot if you were there already. I also need your information and Old permit to make you a New permit before you can park there.

It is still the same price monthly except for Sept. (almost a 1/2 month $10.00). You must be paid in full before Oct. 1 and have a NEW permit to park there. The only difference is the owner needs a month's security also and you must sign a release of liability form.

Sign up is still $10.00 for the school year.

Sept. rent is only $10.00 ----- 9/21 - 9/30

Please park in your same spot as you had for now. Spots will be changed later if possible.


Work Related / Collecting For March Rent - 1 Spot Open
February 23, 2020, 08:27:52 PM
Hope everybody enjoyed their days off.

We are now collecting for March rent which is due next Monday 3/2. Please make your payment this week no later than Friday. Please be considerate and have it in before Friday. As you see I spend a lot of my time after work waiting to collect, so you can have a parking space in the mornings. I really do appreciate the majority of members that do pay on time, and don't wait to the last day. Thank You!

I try to accommodate everybody with their parking needs (spots), and I do appreciate you for understanding it, if you are moved to another spot. Members come and go and I have to juggle spots around, so we all can park within our time frames.

Parking is for members Only and Permits are displayed in the window and cars and members are listed and checked. Please put your Permit in the window.

Thank You
Gary 106

Work Related / 2 Spots Available Johnston Street Lots
February 07, 2020, 05:53:23 AM
Update 2/6 --- I have 2 spots available in the Johnston Street Parking Lots (after the pick). They will not last long. So if want to get an extra hour sleep in the morning and don't want your car to get damaged or destroyed by the dirt on A.K.R. or traffic grab it now. I was Full (really over booked) last month with no problems. There will be 2 EXTRA single spots available in lot 2, just in case you need to use your car during the day and your team member ran late in the morning, or a non-member parked there without knowing its for Pioneer Only. Parking is for members Only and Permits are displayed in the window and cars and members are listed and checked.

Grab the spot! Get extra sleep, don't get your car damaged or filthy and know you don't have to go to the car wash and spend $10+ each week to have it cleaned. Also you can use the shuttle and get picked up at the lots and dropped off at the drivers room in less than 3 minutes. If you sign up now for 2 low payments you will get a TRUMP Teddy Bear!

ps: There are No available spots at ALLURES (curves).

Gary 106

Work Related / After Pick Johnson St. Parking
January 18, 2020, 04:46:50 AM
Hello All,

If you are parking now in Johnson street lots and Picked Sharrots yard, please let me know ASAP so I can give another driver your spot. Please return your Permit and I will return your June payment to you.

If you are coming to the Arthur Kill yard and want a parking spot in Johnson street lots, let me know ASAP also. I will try to accommodate you. First come First served.

I am in agreement with the owner for more land, but it must be cleared and leveled before we can use it. Hopefully by February.

Please put your Permit in the window to secure your spot and for other drivers to contact you directly if need be.

I will be collecting February's rent in the last week on January (1/27 -1/31).

Thank You
Gary 106

Work Related / Reminder: Jan. Parking Due This Friday
December 18, 2019, 04:04:57 PM
Hello All

We are collecting for January's Parking ($40.) now before the break. Please see Grace or myself by Friday, hopefully today if possible. If you can text me on what time you get in, I will wait awhile. It's going to be cold the next few days and I don't want to hang out waiting for no reason. I could stay late today but have to leave early tomorrow (Thursday) by 4:00 pm. I probably leave by 4:00 pm on Friday to go to the xmas party if nobody texts me.

There still is a spot open, I have 2 drivers that asked for it, but no payment was made. So its still open. The owner agreed to stone the 2nd lot as soon as weather permits over a weekend. I know its muddy please bare with him.

Have a Great Holiday!
Gary 106
Work Related / Parking Payment Due - One Spot Left - Info
December 01, 2019, 07:56:00 PM
Hello All

Hope everybody enjoyed their Thanksgiving and their days off. Unfortunately we have to return back to the grind and with bad weather coming too.

December parking is overdue, please see Grace or myself tomorrow (Monday), or ASAP! Your Monthly payments are due the week before the 1st of each month. We start collecting the last week of each month. The rent is paid (due) on the 1st. of each month to the owner. Please be considerate and pay on time. I want to thank the 17 drivers that did pay last week. With the Christmas vacation coming, we will start collecting on December 16 - 20 for January . The rent for January is $40. and each month till June, if you haven't heard already. That's the agreement I made when I leased the land in Oct.. We are paying LESS (almost 1/2) then everybody else is paying in the area per square foot. Lets not ruin it. What we have in our favor is that we will be a long lasting tenant and payments will be on time. What's against us is there's NO July and August payments and he could get more money for the property for 12 months instead of 10. FYI the owner wanted twice as much when we first met, but agreed to less with the January increased with the option to rent it out to someone else before January if he could. I rolled the dice and we won, there was no other takers and he likes the way the property looks.
There is one spot available and a waiting list will start.
There was an incident on last Wednesday when a driver got blocked in for close to 2 hours. His team partner ask me on Tuesday if he can park somewhere else on Wednesday so the driver in the back can get out. I gave him spots 26 or 27 that was going to be empty that day. Even with that someone else took his spot and the driver who had an early out got blocked in. That driver was very sorry and even offered to drive the other driver to NYC so he could visit his sick Uncle in the hospital. That was very nice of him to offer, but the damage was done. Please park in your spot and Put your pass in the window so someone could contact you direct instead of going into the office and on the radio.
Thank You
Gary 106
Hello All Johnson street Parking Permit Members:

We lost the Big lot where (the containers) you parked last week. I tried to keep part of that area, but the whole lot was rented to the container company. We can NOT park there. They are dropping 20 yard containers. Please DO NOT PARK THERE, no matter for any reason.

Our NEW area (Lot #2) is right after the container lot, which had been packed (rolled over) and possibly stoned over the weekend. All the new members just back your car to the cement blocks, please stay close and straight. Everybody should fit in.

The Owner needs a Disclaimer from EVERY driver that parks here, which must have your name "Printed and Signed". The old disclaimers are no good because no names where printed. He can not accept them. He asked for them on Monday! I will tried to be there early and will stay late.

I am still moving spots around, please bare with me. Some drivers in Lot 1 have changed their lanes to team up with a different  member. I have no problem with that, but please let me know of the changes. New members you Must find a Team partner, you maybe moved to Lot 1.

If you didn't get your Permit contact me ASAP! Permits Must be in the window to secure Your reserved spot! We will start collecting Decembers rent on Monday, due to the short Thanksgiving week. See Grace or myself for payment.
Thank You
Gary 106

First I want to Thank everyone who is parking at the lot. It could not have worked without your cooperation. Thank You!

I just received a call from the management of the property and he said he was "very impress how organized and neat the property is". He offered the lot next to us and is willing to move the cement blocks as soon as the weather permits. That means we will have more spots available. Anyone coming from the Sharrots yard and need a parking spot, please contact me ASAP. Hopefully this will help you with your pick.

Grace and I are Now collecting for November's rent. Rent is Due this Friday November 1st! Please see one of us by this Friday! Grace is there early before 6:00 am with the shuttle and after 4:00. I am available at 6:15 am, and 3:15 pm - 3:30 pm and later. I will also make myself available for you if you call me and give me a time. There is no excuse for non payment!

Again Thank You!
Gary 106

UPDATE: 11/8/19

We added more spots and everybody that was on the waiting list, now have a spot for Tuesday! Just in time for the move from sharrots! If you haven't seen me yet please call me so you know where to park on Tuesday. The owner said he will have it ready for Tuesday morning with the stone laid down. As of yesterday (Friday 11/8) the land was leveled and the stone should be laid down over the weekend. The new area will be signal parking no doubling up when its completed. We have to work with the owner (workers) for a few days by parking on one (right) side of the lot, to the other (left) side of the lot (area). If you need a spot call me ASAP, because the rest of the lot (area) is already rented to someone else. Spots are still available now! I could probably fit 5 more cars.

Gary 106

October 07, 2019, 02:41:16 AM
Hello, I have opened up a (leased land) parking lot on Johnson street off AKR. I called the drivers that lost their spots at ALLURES (Curves) first. Almost everyone signed up. If I missed you I apologizes! Call me and I'll try to get you a spot ASAP. Thursday night after 7:00 pm I closed the deal. Friday morning I was filled up with drivers interested. Those driver's that PAID me Friday can park there tomorrow Monday!

I have made lines (lanes) with ORANGE paint on the cement wall and numbered them. Lanes 1-11 (22 cars) are reserved for them, PLEASE DO NOT PARK IN LANES 1- 11, they are taken. If you did NOT get a call from me today for those lanes, PLEASE DO NOT PARK IN THOSE LANES!!! They are given out to drivers who have TEAM UP with another driver. The lanes have 2 cars parked bumper to bumper so you need to know who is parking in your lane with you so you DON'T GET BLOCKED IN!

Saturday I extended (leased) another section for approximate 7 more cars and we extended the area of the lot on Saturday. This area is almost full.

If you said YES to me on Friday and did Not PAY me, your spot will be open on Wednesday as first come first serve. Last Friday morning before 9:00 a.m. I PAID out of my pocket for the property (lease), and been working on it all weekend to get it ready for you tomorrow.

Directions on Monday morning for a smooth opening and NOBODY getting BLOCKED IN.

1st -  DO NOT PARK IN LANES 1- 11 --- they are already assigned!

2nd - Start in lane 12 and Back all the way to the wall. you will NOT be BLOCKED IN. There should be        enough spaces if everybody backs all the way to the wall.

3rd - If I call you and gave a assigned spot, it maybe temporary until we can figure out where or who you want to be TEAM up with.

4th - Find someone you want to be TEAM up with, then I can give you the next open lane closest to    AKR. and that will be your lane!

There are still a few spots open! Its FIRST come FIRST SERVE!


Thanks to OWEN and Andrew there is a shuttle by Grace that will make the last pick up at 6:00 a.m.

Work Related / ALLURE (Curvers) Parking $50.
October 03, 2019, 06:07:55 PM
If you haven't heard already - Starting October the parking at Allures (Curves) has been raised to $50.. Carlos just called me and advised me that some drivers have left their payment in the mailbox without the increased and if I can let everybody know. He will be there today till 4:00.
September 02, 2019, 08:38:12 PM
Carl notified me and ask me to post this. There will be NO PARKING in the back starting September 1st.!
Please do Not park there or in the front, if you did Not receive a call from Grace or Me. You can Not park on the property either in the front or the back. All spots were given out and we are over by 2 extra cars!

Carl is extremely sorry he can Not provide parking in the rear, but the new owner is going to start work ASAP and does Not want any cars there. He tried to go month by month but was unable to help us.

Carl made up a list and permits of the cars in the front only, and ask me to pass on to You, that ONLY those drivers should see him on Tuesday or Thursday.

If you did Not receive a call from Grace or me and park in the front, you are only screwing another drive by taking his spot. There is NO extra spots available from him/her to park!

Well we had a good run up to July and we All knew this was going to happen. He did his best for us and does Not want to discuss his discussion with anybody.


Work Related / Summer Parking at Excess
June 26, 2019, 03:39:21 AM
Parking will be available at Excess to All that want it for the summer. The donation is $30.. Please turn in your old parking permits tomorrow. The rear parking is still not decided if we will have it or not for September. I will post it in late August before the pick, as soon as Carlos lets me know. Have a good, safe summer.
I spoke with Carlo yesterday and he advised me that we can still park in the Front and Rear lots for February. He will be in on this Thursday (1/31)  between 2:00 till 4:00 to collect for February. If you miss him you can drop it off in an envelope with your bus number on it, and put it in the mail box. He also told me that there is several drivers that still did not pay for January. You can put both payments in the envelope and mark it for January and February.

Work Related / Curves Parking Update List
January 10, 2019, 04:45:12 AM
I spoke with Carlo and the parking in the rear lot is a "Month by Month thing". He does not know when and if it will be available to us. Supposedly the new owner has someone for it, and Carlo doesn't know when they are going to take over and if we can stay in the rear lot till then. The front lot will still be available to us. This is the reason why he asked me to help him prepare a list, so it's no surprise to anyone if we loss the rear lot and you find yourself out and no place to park overnight. He's trying to keep everyone informed and updated. This should help you deciding your pick next week. As for Feburary he does not know yet if we can park in the rear lot.

The Owner and Carlo will allow the following bus numbers to have a spot in the front when we loose the rear lot and be given new permits:
409, 32C, 885, 805, 955, 106, 144, V90, 411, 26G, 956, 780, 9048, 399, 1155, 718, 211, 444, 802, 932, 957, 811, 952, 849, 395, 954, 803, 27G, 777, 224, 836, 650, 447, 627, 373, V25G, 119.

The following bus numbers will be on the waiting list if he cant fit them in now or if someone goes to Sharrotts:
655, 1123, 951.
Some spots will be assigned so he can maximize more spots. Those spots have not been determined yet, hopefully with your help he can accommodared more drivers. If you know that you come in early and leave late he can block you in so another driver can park.

If you are parking in the front lot now and not on the list, help your fellow drivers out and park in the rear lot, so he can get a true idea how many cars he can fit and where to put them.
Gary 106
Work Related / Carlo will be in Friday 12/21 3pm - 5pm
December 21, 2018, 03:48:53 AM
Carlo will be collecting for parking tomorrow (Friday 12/21) from 3:00 pm till 5:00 pm, for January. This is for both the front and back lots. I did not give him the list of names that are in the lot now, because I don't want to leave anyone out. So if you didn't give me your name yet, please find me or Grace so we can add you to it. He will only be collecting tomorrow, and not make any promises till he gets the whole list from me. He ask me again, to ask everyone to be patient, he still has several weeks to decide and be fare to everyone. He even ask me (how would I feel if someone with less time gets in and I didn't). Also he said the owner will not allow any "freebies". He wants no stories or stress tomorrow. Please just payment is due. Any updates I will post.

Thank You
Gary 106

September 09, 2016, 04:07:17 AM
Hello ALL, Wow what a 1st day!!! It was an 2 bottle Advil day for the girls in the office. I don't know how they put up with it. GOD BLESS THEM!

Well here's the update on the Parking situation. I have a verbal agreement (hand shake) with a owner of property around the corner from Spiral (2 blocks away) from the yard. I met with him several times and today he agreed. The property has to be cleared (cleaned). He will give us space for appx. 40 cars. The rent will be $40. He originally wanted $80. in front of other drivers passing by going to their cars today (they laughed and refused). He is willing to help us out with the parking situation after that, and we settled at $40. That's the best I can do. He said it should be ready a week from now, hopefully Monday the 19th. Other properties wanted $1600 a month rent for less amount of car space (25).

I will keep in touch with him and keep everyone informed on how it's going, if it falls thru or not by next week. Everyone at the Storage Yard will have first dibs if we get it. I only had 12 driver's for the Skating Rink as of today.

Gary 209, 806, 972, now 003
September 05, 2016, 07:27:59 PM
Hello Everyone, Hope your summer vacation was good.

We LOST the parking at the storage yard! The new owner Does Not want any cars parked there. He said he "DOESN'T WHAT TO GET SUED". He also said he's going to "Start Demolition". He put up a fence and cut the yard in half and even refuse access to the other side (owner) to use the driveway. I tried to let him know that it's been an on going thing for many years with No problems. But he's Not interested in helping us out with the limited parking in the area. The other owner tried to clear the land under the trees back in June with a bobcat, but it was too much work.

The Jail is Not interest in any parking and also the Halloween Store.

Curves is Not taking any new people until he sees who is Not coming back.

I can and did hook up with the Skating Rink, but did not sign any contract with them only because I Don't know if anyone want to use it. I spoke with AL that does the shuttle last week and he is willing to Pick Up there. His last pick up will be at 6:20 there.

At this point, if your willing to use the Skating Rink please contact me, because I need to guarantee at least 25 cars. Parking will be $30.00 a month. You can add a YES to this link if you don't have my number. 

I want to THANK EVERYONE that used the Storage Lot. It was something I didn't ask for, but was interesting to say the least.

Sorry for the update (BAD NEWS).

Gary S.