Do NOT Pay for Medicals, Classes, or anything else

Started by Buzz, July 30, 2020, 05:30:03 PM

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Just spoke to Ernie and he wants me to remind everyone that no one should be paying for their medicals, even if the company is telling you they're due. (Michael stated that in a notice a couple of months ago.)

Also, nobody should be paying for classes ... as is the case with at least one company ... or paying for anything else while we are furloughed.

I am patient with stupidity, but not with those who are proud of it.


 I also spoke to Ernie this morning and I also knew about people possible paying for classes and medicals out of their pocket but I didn't post that part of it because I like to have a little positivity but thanks for the negativity. BTW The members at Hoyt had the choice of taking the class and paying or not taking the class as with all of us, if it came to that point we would have the same choice. We also have the choice like you and I do, to call our delegate or Shop Steward to find out what to do.


How do we get the company to pay for our medical if it's due
All lives matter


As a CDL holder, we are required to have an up to date medical if we wish to keep the CDL. Being furloughed is no excuse to not maintain our responsibility. At some point, the State will begin the downgrade for the CDL holder if the medical is not up to date. We've been furloughed 3 months at this point and this has been the only news from our union rep. I believe this is bad advice because inevitably, it will become our problem!


Quote from: 04012013 on July 30, 2020, 06:04:13 PM
As a CDL holder, we are required to have an up to date medical if we wish to keep the CDL. Being furloughed is no excuse to not maintain our responsibility. At some point, the State will begin the downgrade for the CDL holder if the medical is not up to date. We've been furloughed 3 months at this point and this has been the only news from our union rep. I believe this is bad advice because inevitably, it will become our problem!

:thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:  100% correct...DMV is slowly opening ... i think after august 31 inspections on cars have to be current... Very good point made...CDL medicals will be soon to follow..and we know it will take just one bad accident or medical episode with a  CMV for the medical update to change real quick...


I agree with 04012013
Obviously it's the Responsibility of our Union Reps to look out for our best interest but it is also our responsibility as a bus driver to make sure that all of our paperwork is in order whether we have to pay for it or not. It's called using common sense!


I'd assume refresher courses can be waived for an extended time but I'm pretty sure that CDLs and Medicals can't. So don't tell it's not your problem when you lose your CDL license and your livelihood or when you get called back to work and your medical is not up-to-date.


Totally agree!Don't put off keeping your CDL certification current.Just got mine done to keep it current.We can always sort out the details later.Don't create unnecessary problems for yourself.That has and will always be your responsibility.Stay positive !


Quote from: PROUD MEMBER on July 30, 2020, 05:56:15 PM
I also spoke to Ernie this morning and I also knew about people possible paying for classes and medicals out of their pocket but I didn't post that part of it because I like to have a little positivity but thanks for the negativity. BTW The members at Hoyt had the choice of taking the class and paying or not taking the class as with all of us, if it came to that point we would have the same choice. We also have the choice like you and I do, to call our delegate or Shop Steward to find out what to do.

Don't know how what I posted is "negativity" just passing on the reminder as asked by Ernie. It is what it is ... interpret it any way you wish. When you spoke to Ernie did you thank him for the "negativity?"
I am patient with stupidity, but not with those who are proud of it.


Quote from: PROUD MEMBER on July 30, 2020, 06:39:47 PM
I'd assume refresher courses can be waived for an extended time but I'm pretty sure that CDLs and Medicals can't. So don't tell it's not your problem when you lose your CDL license and your livelihood or when you get called back to work and your medical is not up-to-date.

According to this you have 55 days to submit an updated medical certificate after receiving a "Notice of Non-Compliance and License Downgrade."

And by the way, it's the company's problem to have drivers that are legally able to drive their buses and cover their runs. They laid you off. They didn't give you a choice. If you want to make it your problem, go right ahead.

The sky isn't falling. Take a deep breath and relax a little. I'm not the enemy.
I am patient with stupidity, but not with those who are proud of it.


Quote from: faceit on July 30, 2020, 06:02:41 PM
How do we get the company to pay for our medical if it's due

They won't pay. The union is saying you don't have to get it done now. Of course, if you want to pay for it yourself, as some have chosen to do, nobody's stopping you.
I am patient with stupidity, but not with those who are proud of it.


"Not your problem"

This might be be Buzz adding his two cents, or it was said by Ernie. Either way it is wrong. Individually, we must make informed, researched and common sense decisions. In my time here Ernie has given more erroneous information than factual, (it might not be his fault).  Andy has given none at all.


All lives matter


Of course ur not the enemy but as the Administrator of this site many people take your word and listen to your word. When you state that the company should pay for your medical (true or not true) and quite possibly even the refresher course and that it's NOT YOUR PROBLEM, I assure you there will be some that will not get their medical (55 day extension or not) if they have to pay for it and that's no matter when school opens. Then when hopefully it's time to return to work those individuals that don't have their medicals and/or CDLs up to date and are told SORRY we can't help you. What are they supposed to say
We'll Buzz said NOT MY PROBLEM.
We are all adults and we are all Professional CDL Bus Drivers and of course our Medicals and CDL Licenses are OUR PROBLEM.